At one point in my life I had somehow accumulated roughly 30,000 albums. That's a lot of vinyl. That's a lot of album covers. And like most things in life, those albums and their cover art followed a bell curve. A couple that were fascinating and exceptional. A ton that were merely okay. A couple that were horrific. I'm not the first to this, but over the years I've started to document some of those album covers. There's nothing magical about the list. It's not limited to any particular genre, or timeframe. Whatever captures my eye. I've tried to focus on my favorite covers ... but there are some that ar so bad they've made the list.
Please - no more emails telling me how crappy my tastes are and why such-and-such cover is a treasure.
Comments, suggestions and corrections always welcome - send them to
Last updated: JANUARY 24, 2025
Artist: The Dave Brubeck Quarter Album: Time Changes Label: Columbia Catalog: SCL 2123 Year: 1964 Genre: jazz Cover Designer: Sam Francis Cover photography: not applicable Grade: **** 4 stars
I'm not a big jazz fan, but I've long been interested in the late Dave Brubeck's catalog. This 1964 collection featured Brubeck and band working with a series of time signatures that were unusual in jazz. Showcasing Brubeck on piano, the result was a fascinating collection of mid-'60s American "cool" jazz. Equally appealing was the late artist Sam Francis' cover painting. I'm not an art scholar, let alone an expert in Francis' abstract expressionism, but there's just something that screams '60s jazz when you see the cover. For anyone interested, Wikipedia has a nice entry on Francis' career:
There's also a wonderful website devoted to Francis work, including a Catalogue Raisonné:
Added: January 24, 2025
Artist: The Neville Brothers Album: Fiyo On the Bayou Label: A&M Catalog: SP 4866 Year: 1981 Genre: funk Cover Designer: Lou and Pearl Beach Cover photography: -- Grade: **** 4 stars
Okay, tell me the Lou and Pearl Beach designed cover isn't eye catching ... an alligator on fire !!!
Beach was born to Polish immigrants who ended up in Gottingen, Germany in after the end of World War II. His family emigrated to New York in the early 1950s. As Lou Beach, he's carved out an extensive career as an artist, including designing dozens of "collage" styled album covers; perhaps the best known being his work for The Weather Report. Beach has an extensive online presence at:
Added: January 06, 2025
Artist: Three Ring Circus Album: Groovin' On the Sunshine Label: RCA Victor Catalog: LSP-4021 Year: 1968 Genre: pop Cover Designer: Dave Hecht Cover photography: Dave Hacht Grade: * 1 star
Just look at the cover. Need I say more? Seriously, a leering clown? Not exactly a great way to attract buyers.
A World War II veteran, Hecht decided he wanted a career in photography. After attending photography school he opened a studio in New York City. RCA Victor eventually hired him to create an in-house studio and to serve as head of the photography department. Starting in the early-'50s Hecht built a career providing photos and covers for several thousand album covers prior to retiring. His worked ranged all over the musical spectrum - classical, jazz, pop, R&B, rock, soul, etc. though he's probably best known for his work with a young Elvis Presley. Obviously this one could have used a little more creative thought - though that probably wasn't his job.
Added: December 15, 2024
Artist: Hookfoot Album: Communication Label: A&M Catalog:SP 4380 Year: 1973 Genre: rock Cover Designer: Michael Ross Cover photography: not applicable Grade: * 1 star
Guess I'm on a streak of disappointments here. Featuring a couple of Elton John alumnist in singer/guitarist Caleb Quaye and drummer Roger Pope, Hookfoot is one of those bands who were quiet good, but never managed to break through the flood of talented English mid-'70s rock outfits. 1973's "Communication" isn't their best release, but it has its moments. Sadly Michael Ross' bland cover packaging wasn't one of those moments. I really don't get it. A label pays to sign a band and then they spend a lot of money to record an album with them only to package it in something as forgettable as this cover? Maybe A&M thought the bright orange color was enough to attract your attention? It wasn't.
As for Ross, he's worked as an photographer, art director, designer and film director. He's worked for A&M Records, DJM Records and Elton John's The Rocket Record Company. Stretching back to the early 1970s he's credited with diozens of album covers, among the best known being Elton John's "Goodbye Yellow Brick Road".and The Police's "Outlandos D'Amour". Just my opinion, but I'll tell you I find most of his work to be bland and forgettable. Obviously I'm the exception.
For anyone interested, Ross has a small website at: Mike Ross Photographic
Added: November 21, 2024
Artist: Heavy Metal Kids Album: Heavy Metal Kids Label: ATCOI Catalog:SD 7037 Year: 1973 Genre: rock Cover Designer: Alex Henderson - Joe Petagno III (lettering) Cover photography: Alex Henderson Grade: * 1 star
As exemplified by their 1973 debut collection, Heavy Metal Kids were a surprisingly enjoyable hard-rock/glam band. I guess I'd compare them to a Cockney version of early Aerosmith with the late lead singer Gary Holton having all of the talents and charisma of Steven Tyler (again with a shrill Cockney accent). I've always been surprised at how enjoyable I find "Heavy Metal Kids". Well worth checking out. At the same time ATCO's decision to package the collection in one of the worst covers I've ever seen goes a long way to explaining why the album did little commercially. Seriously? This abysmal cover credited to Alex Henderson was the best you could do? Even the Joe Petagno III's lettering was hideous. Couldn't you have paid a couple of art majors to come up with something better than this? Having spent money to sign them to a contract you invested .50 cents in marketing your investment? Insane.
Added: November 04, 2024
Artist: Timebox Album: The Original Moose On the Loose Label: Peters International Catalog:CCLPS 9016 Year: 1976 Genre: rock Cover Designer: Don Munz Cover photography: Don Munz Grade: **** 4 stars
Featuring the talents of the late Ollie Halsall and Mike Patto, Timebox were always quirky. As an example, how many bands do you know of that recorded and released a single about a Martian invasion of Earth ('Baked Jam Roll In Your Eye')? In this case the album title and Don Munz designed cover do a good job of capturing the band's weird sense of humor. Personally I love it ..
Added: July 11, 2024
Artist: Rod Stewart and the Faces Album: Coast to Coast Overture and Beginners Label: Mercury Catalog: SRM-1-697 Year: 1973 Genre: rock Cover Designer: John Craig Cover photography: not applicable Grade: **** 4 stars
Executive summary - I like The Faces. Rod Stewart, not so much. This album came out when I was in high school and Stewart was just starting to create a stir as a solo act. Think along the lines of the dreadful 'Maggie May.' While it was billed as a Stewart and the Faces album, this was essentially a Stewart solo effort. Six of the nine tracks were Stewart solo tunes. the remain three were Faces numbers. Recorded at an October 1973 performance the Anaheim Convention Center, it wasn't a great LP, but was still better than the Stewart solo albums that were starting to clutter the airwaves.
For any of you interested, I found an online interview with Craig where he discusses some of his music related career: An Interview with John Craig (
Added: July 06, 2024
Artist: Sweet Album: Give Us a Wink Label: Capital Catalog: ST 11496 Year: 1976 Genre: rock Cover Designer: Joe Petagno Cover photography: not applicable Grade: **** 4 stars
At least for me there are certain albums that take me back to a certain time and place. This Sweet album is one of them.
I have clear memories of discovering Sweet while listening to Radio Caroline in the mid-'70s. While my friends were championing the likes of Bachman Turner Overdrive and Journey (both bands that I like), I was nevertheless trying to sell them on the pleasures of Sweet (rather unsuccessfully I would add). Compared to the rather staid Armed Forces Network, Radio Caroline was my go-to radio station for their weird mix of sugary pop, counter-culture vibes and ever eclectic play lists. Anyhow, this was another album where I went to my local military Post Exchange only to discover they didn't have the album. In fact PX didn't have any Sweet albums. Off to a local record store where I bought a copy, though it cost me more than the usual $5.50.
I've always loved Joe Petagno designed gimmick cover. The die-cut sleeve made the "eye" blink when the inner sleeve was pulled out.
Added: July 04, 2024
Artist: The Move Album: Looking In Label: Capital Catalog: ST 658 Year: 1970 Genre: pop Cover Designer: Graphicreaks Cover photography: not listed Grade:
**** 4 stars So as a guy who suffers from male pattern balding and started losing his hair in his mid-'30s, I've always found this cover somewhat disconcerting. It's a perspective I prefer not to think about - not that there's anything wrong with it; not that there's anything I can do about it.
As you can see from the photo, naturally Jeff Lynne and Roy Wood (co-leaders of The Move), had more hair than they knew what to do with ... Personal feelings aside, it is a cool looking cover.
Added: July 01, 2024
Artist: Bob Dylan Album: Pat Garrett & Billy the Kid Label: Columbia Catalog: KC 32480 Year: 1973 Genre: soundtrack Cover Designer: John Van Hamersveld Cover photography: not applicable Grade: no stars
Bob Dylan's appeal remains a mystery to me. He's idolized as a genius by fellow musicians and millions of devoted fans. I've seen him twice and been immensely disappointed both times. The first time he appeared completed disinterested in the audience and even less interested in his music. I remember walking out at the end of the concert surrounded by "fans" who were all complaining about how boring the concert had been He wasn't any better when he opened for the Grateful Dead. In fact, his performance was so bad, he managed to turn me into a Dead fan and I didn't even like the band.
I certainly don't know the man, but from what I can tell, he's not a particular warm, or empathetic character. His behavior seems erratic and self-centered; the kind of crap you'd expected from a bully, or a self-centered "Ken". Of course what would a git like me know about true genius.
Anyhow, Dylan's "Pat Garrett & Billy the Kid" soundtrack stands as his second appearance on my list. It does break new ground though as the first entry to receive a "no stars" rating. Given the edited version of the Sam Peckinpah film released to the public sucked, it shouldn't come as a surprise that Dylan's soundtrack is equally bad. And hitting the trifecta, John Van Hamersveld's album cover design was as boring as most of the ten songs on the set.
Added June 23, 2024
Artist: Savoy Brown Album: Wire Fire Label: London Catalog: PS 659 Year: 1975 Genre: blues-rock Cover Designer: Glenn Ross Cover photography: Buddy Rosenberg - Bob Levy Grade: **** 4 stars
There are so many cool Savoy Brown covers I have to admit I'm a little surprised this was only the second one to make my list. That probably has something to do with the fact this is the first Savoy Brown album I've listened to in a year, or so. So, the photo effects are a little dated - remember this album came out in 1975; decades prior to Photoshop. Regardless, it's the concept that counts and equating Kim Simmonds blistering guitar runs with flames coming out of his fingers was a near perfect concept. C'mon, you know you love this one as well.
Added: June 17, 2024
Artist: Ed Sanders Album: Beer Cans On the Moon Label: Reprise Catalog: MS 2105 Year: 1972 Illustration: Brendan Atkinson Design: Brendan Atkinson Grade: **** 4 stars
C'mon how could you not laugh at the album title and artwork ? Geez, a pull tab Bud can ... I can remember those.
Added: May 28, 2024
Artist: The Moon Album: Without Earth Label: Imperial Catalog: LP 12301 Year: 1968 Illustration: John L. Eastman Design: Woody Woodward Grade: **** 4 stars
Capturing that unique mid-'60s blend of pop and still innocent psychdedelic, The Moon's debut album "Without Earth" is a personal favorite. Part of the album's charms stems from the John Luke Eastman's stunning cover art. There's just something about Eastman's work (fluid lines, bright colors, etc.) that screams California psych when I see it.
There's a nice Eastman website at: John Luke Eastman Official| Art Work| Paint| California and a Facebook page at: Facebook
Added: May 25, 2024
Artist: Ike and Tina Turner Album: Outta Season Label: Blue Thumb Catalog: BTS 5 Year: 1968 Designer: Amos and Andy (Tom Wilkes) Photogtrapher: Amos and Andy (Barry Feinstein) Grade: * 1 star
This is a cover that leaves me going back and forth. Part of me is horrified by it. Part of me is impressed by the Turners decision to go with packing as controversial as this. Regardless of ho you feel, there's no denying that some five decades after it was released Ike and Tina Turner's "Outta Season" will still make you gasp. You can only wonder what the impact was when Blue Thumb released the collection in 1968. I'm guessing that the Sears and Roebucks in Montgomery Alabama wasn't too happy to stock the LP. Say what you will about the Turner's blues album, but Blue Thumb and the Turners had some real courage to opt for the packaging.
With a concept reportedly developed by producer Bob Krasnow, the lateTom Wilkes and photos taken by Barry Feinstein, the cover featured Ike and Tina in whiteface eating giant slices of watermelon. It was hard to think of a more in-your-face commentary on the country's history of blackface minstrels.
Understandably the album liner notes credited the album art to "Amos and Andy". Obviously Ike and Tina had some thoughts on the subject.
Added: Mary 21, 2024
Artist: Sutherland Brothers & Quiver Album: Reach for the Sky Label: Columbia Catalog: PC 33982 Year: 1975 Designer: Roslav Szaybo Photogtrapher: Roslav Szaybo Grade: **** 4 stars
Yes, Polish painter/designer
Roslabv Szaybo's cover came dangerously close to Love
Story territory, but I still love the piece.
Added: May 17, 2024
Artist: Ry Cooder Album: Ry Cooder Label: Reprise Catalog: 6402 Year: 1970 Designer: Ed Trasher Photogtrapher: Frank Bez Grade: **** 4 stars
I had no idea Frank Bez had done so many magazine and album covers - Johnny Cash, Harry Chapin, etc. Esquire did a nice interview with him at:
Regardless, this cover of Ry Cooder on the El Mirage dry lake is just so cool. And posing him in front of a 1937 Airstream trailer ...
Added: May 15, 2024
Artist: Cowboy Album: Cowboy Label: Capricorn Catalog: 2CX-0121 Year: 1973 Designer: Pacific Eye and Ear Illustration: Joe Garnett Grade: **** 4 stars
C'mon - who doesn't like a good cowboy themed album cover?
Added: May 13, 2024
Artist: Curtis Mayfield Album: There's No Place Like American Today Label: Curtom Catalog: CO 5001 Year: 1975 Designer: Lockart Illustrationr: Peter Palombi Grade: **** 4 stars
I grabbed this brief overview of artist Peter Palomsi off the Amadeus art website:
"One of the four “Kings” of California airbrush art to be featured in “Overspray” (alongside Charles E. White III, David Willardson, and Peter Lloyd), Peter Palombi is noted for his signature hyper-realistic style. Known for being one of the chosen artists for musicians and bands from the 70s onwards, Palombi has also worked within the film industry, crafting memorable artwork for movies like “The Last Picture Show” and “American Graffiti.”
Notable works: The Commodores’ “Movin’ On”, Hall & Oates’ “War Babies”. Curtis Mayfield’s “There’s No Place Like America Today” and the movie “American Graffiti”."
Since the early-'70s Palombi's designed the covers for over 40 albums. Perhaps not the most subtle social statement you've ever seen on an album cover, but it should make you stop and think a moment. Great late-inning Mayfield album too boot.
Added May 12, 2024
Artist: The Emotions Album: Flowers Label: Columbua Catalog: M6 814S1 Year: 1976 Designer: Tom Steele Photographer: Norman Seef Grade: **** 4 stars
I'll readily admit that an album cover featuring a photo of the group isn't anything special. That said, Tom Steele's splash of bright paint made all the difference in the world, serving as an indicator of this album's sense of optimism. Some five decades after I bought my copy, if still makes me happy to see the cover. Not many things in this world I can say the same thing about.
Artist: Caston & Majors Album: Caston & Majors Label: Motown Catalog: M6 814S1 Year: 1974 Designer: Katrina Pettersson and Douglas Boyd Photographer: not applicable Grade: **** 4 stars
Yeah, this die-cut, gatefold sleeve looks a bit like a high end Christmas card, but there's something very peaceful and charming about the cover art. I guess the cut out was supposed to look like a bell, though the top part actually looks a little bit like a penis.
Added: May 05, 2024
Artist: Brian Eno Album: Another Green World Label: Island Catalog: ILPS 9351 Year: 1975 Designer: Tom Ohillips Photographer: not applicable Grade: ***** 5 stars
This is one of those album covers where I'm at a loss to explain why I find it so appealing. Maybe it's the childlike simplicity of the work ? My wife would tell you simpleton is an apt description for my personality and behavior, so maybe that's why I identify with the cover.
Added: May 04, 2024
Artist: Bloodrock Album: U.S.A. Label: Capitol Catalog: SMAS 465 Year: 1973 Designer: John Hoernie Photographer: not applicable Grade: * 1 star
Okay, I have no interest in owning a gun, but I have no interest i taking away your gun. I would simply argue for some common sense requires. We all know someone who we wouldn't trust to watch our kids. Many of us know someone who probably should not have access to a gun. Geez, what would you expect from a country where guns outn unber the population? Not a big Bloodrock here so take these comments with a grain of salt - the cover is probably the album highlight. That said, I can't say I'm a big fan of John Hornie's cover. It's colorful and kind of Peter Max-styled pop-art cool, but a tad too graphic for my tastes. Hum, guess I could say the same thing about Bloodrock's musical catalog.
Sorry, not sure how a public service announcement worked its way into this blog.
Added: May 03, 2024
Artist: La Revolution Francaise Album: C Cool Label: CANUSA Catalog: CLJ 33-112 Year: 1968 Designer: Robert Barbeau Photographer: Serge Leblanc Grade: ** 2 stars
Admittedly I'm not exactly movie star material myself, but I have to wonder about a marketing concept that would take four pale, slightly geeky looking French-Canadians; strip them down and then cover them in mud ... Not exactly the marketing campaign of the year. Maybe it was some sort of Canadian concept? Pretty sure it would spell instant doom anywhere else.
Added: April 29, 2024
Artist: Skin Alley Album: Two Quid Deal Label: Stax Catalog: STS 3012 Year: 1973 Designer: Ron Gordon and the Grafe Photographer: not applicable Design: J. Edward Barker Grade: ** 2 stars
Overlooking how this British blues-rock outfit ever got signed to Stax (as if a soul label would have a clue in terms of how to market the band), the J. Edward Barker cover illustration probably didn't help non-existent sales. Mickey Mouse's deviant brother offering the buyer a tab of LSD soaked cheese ? I've always found the grinning mouse kind of disconcerting.
Added: April 22, 2024
Artist: Boot Album: Turn the Other Cheek Label: Guinness Catalog: GNS 36002 Year: 1977 Designer: not listed Photographer: not listed Design not listed Grade: **** 4 stars
Since this one was released on a known taxscam label (Guinness), it shouldn't come as a major surprise that there were no credits for the album artwork. That said, the cartoonish cover looked an awful lot like something R. Crumb might have done. Maybe that's the cover's appeal to my eye.
Added: April 18, 2024
Artist: The Yardbirds Album: Live Featuring Jimmy Page Label: Epic Catalog: E 30615 Year: 1971 Genre: rock Cover Designer: not listed Cover art: James Grashow Grade: **** 4 stars
One of rock's most infamous albums. Epic Records has released "Live Yardbirds Featuring Jimmy Page" at least twice (once in 1971 and once in 1976). Both times Page threatened legal action over the crappy sound quality and both times the album was quickly withdrawn. Anyhow, I'm more interested in the cover art (if you've ever heard the album the sound quality is simply abysmal making it easy to see why Page threatened a lawsuit).
Today he's widely known for his work in cardboard... seriously. One of the most interesting documentaries I've recent scene was entitled Cardboard Bernini, describing the creation, exhibition, decay, and destruction of an enormous Trevi Fountain inspired cardboard project he built. For anyone curious, you can see the film on YouTube at: The Cardboard Bernini | The ephemeral art of Jimmy Grashow (
Here's a link to Grashow's website:
Added: April 15, 2024
Artist: The Dillards Album: Tribute To The American Duck Label: Poppy Catalog: PPLA-175F Year: 1973 Genre: country-rock Art Designer: Mike Salisbury Photography: Fred Valentine Grade: **** 4 stars
Scott - why is this one on your list? My family own a home on Chincoteague Island. Huh? Imagine Virginia's version of the Outer Banks. Chincoteague is a barrier album. It's seven miles long and about a mile wide. Population is about 7,000 during the Fall and Winter. 20,000+ during the Summer. There's a 25 mile an hour speed limit on the entire island and people are fiercely protective of the wildlife on the island. That includes ducks and geese. Anyhow, on one of the Chincoteague related Facebook groups I belong to, I just saw a string about someone hitting and killing a duck with their car. There was outrage and it got me thinking about this album.
Can't say the LP does much for me - too country for my tastes, but the title and the cover were funny and kind of cute.
Added: April 14, 2024
Artist: Les McCann Album: Live at the Bohemian Caverns Washington D.C. Label: Limelight Catalog: LM 82046 (mono) LS 82046 (stereo) Year: 1963 Designer: not listed Photographer: not listed Design: not listed Grade: **** 4 stars
Admittedly I'm not a gigantic fan of Les McCann's style of jazz. That said, even if you're not a Latin-jazz fan, you've got to admit the cover art is clever. Great color scheme and a wonderful concept.
Added: April 13, 2024
Artist: Sandy Denny Album: Sandy Label: A&M Catalog: SP Year: 1972 Genre: folk Cover Designer: not listed Cover photography: David Bailey Grade: **** 4 stars
Yes, it would be really easy to added dozens of "cheesecake" album covers to the list. With a couple of exceptions I haven't done so. Moreover, I don't think anyone would put the late Sandy Denny in the same glamour league as some of those better known names. Ignoring that argument, I'll just say that David Bailey's cover photo is stunning. In college I spend way to much time listening to this album and staring at Denny's air-blown, pensive cover. There was just something about Denny's gaze. I always wondered what she was thinking of when Bailey took the photo. The Denny family donated a copy of the Bailey print to the British National Portrait Gallery's collection.
For anyone interested, there's a nice Wikipedia entry for Biley at: David Bailey - Wikipedia
Added: April 04, 2024
Artist: Electric Prunes Album: Mass In F Minor Label: Reprise Catalog: RS 6275 Year: 1968 Genre: progressive/psychedelic Cover Designer: David Thrasher Cover photography: not listed Grade: **** 4 stars
You could make the argument this album was the first rock mass. It was cetainly an early stab at a concept album ... Creative mainstay David Axelrod seemed to have written the material with a true sense of dedication (wonder if he was Catholic) and even though the album's odd mix of Latin lyrics, religious overtones, and psychedelic sounds is an acquired taste, the cover was certainly eye catching.
I've always wondered how the Catholic Church felt about the album and iif any daring Catholic diocese had the courage to play excerpts at a mass. It would be an interesting album to play as part of a Catholic baptism, or wedding ceremony. = )
Added: April 01, 2024
Artist: Gospel Oak Album: Gospel Oak Label: Kapp Catalog: KS 3635 Year: 1970 Genre: country rock Cover Designer: not listed Cover photography: not listed Grade: **** 4 stars
This is one of those albums where the cover's the highlight. No, there's nothing wrong with the album itself. It's decent, modestly entertaining country-rock with an English rock edge. Ironically the members were American ex-pats living in London. You can read my review at: ).
Anyhow, the cover is stunning. Just look at the size of that English oak tree !!! Simply amazing. I've always wondered what the story of the tree is. Is it still alive and thriving? One can only hope so. Wonder how many of the hippy band members are still alive and thriving?
Postscript: The Gospel Oak line-up featured: - Cliff Hall -- keyboards - Gordon Huntley -- pedal steel guitar - Matthew Kelly -- harmonica, guitar - Bob Le Gate -- lead guitar, vocals - John Rapp -- vocals, bass, rhythm guitar
As far as I can tell, with the exception of Huntley (RIP 1988) and the other five members are still alive and kickin'.
Added: March 30, 2024
Artist: James Wells Album: My Claim To Fame Label: AVI Catalog: 6045 Year: 1978 Genre: disco Cover Designer: The Committee Cover photography: not applicable Grade: * 1 star
I grew up in the late '70s when folks were under the impression air brushing was a life-styled choice, not just an art form. Folks air-brushed everything; their walls, their vans, etc. Like every aspect of life, there is good and there is bad. The same is true when it comes to the "art" of air brushing. Unfortunately, the cover to James Well's debut album falls in the latter category. I'm guessing this was meant to have kind of an art deco flavor? Instead it has a guess-nobody-knew-how-to-draw flavor. I guess that's why they went with the liner notes that gave credit (or blame) for this hideous cover to "The Committee". (Be warned the four disco tunes inside the sleeve weren't any better.)
Added: March 27, 2024
Artist: The We Five Album: Take Each Day As It Come Label: AVI Catalog: 6016 Year: 1977 Genre: pop Cover Designer: not listed Cover photography: not applicable Grade: **** 4 stars
Having grown up in the '70s there are certain things that trigger memories of thatt timeframe. This cover's one of those triggers. It's not that I have any particular attachment to the album from my teen years (in fact I didn't even know this album existed until I was in my 50s), rather there's just something in the anonymous "happy" artwork that screams '70s timepiece.
Added: March 26, 2024
Artist: Hot Tuna Album: America's Choice Label: Grunt Catalog: BFL1-0820 Year: 1975 Genre: rock Cover Designer: Frank Mulvey Cover photography: not applicable Grade: **** 4 stars
Even if you're not a big fan of this Jefferson Airplane spin-off, you've got to admit that the cover to their "America's Choice" album was eye catching. Frank Mulvey's use of vivid colors and the striking lettering were clearly meant to mimic a box of laundry detergent (take that Andy Warhol). There was just something very counter-culture cool here. One of the last breaths of the San Francisco psychedelic lifestyle ... Always loved the side panel "WARNING: THIS ALBUM TO BE PLAYED AT FULL VOLUME FOR MAXIMUM EFFECT"
Added: March 25, 2024
Artist: Max Romeo Album: Open the Iron Gate Label: Liberty Catalog: LY 61165 Year: 1978 Genre: reggae Cover Designer: Steve Smith Cover photography: not applicable Grade: **** 4 stars
Wow, that's some spliff Romeo is holding ...
If you're looking for an album that just reeks Caribbean, this is probably the one. Stark, but the colors instantly grab you and won't let go. By the way, it's the landscape setting, not the spliff that drops my blood pressure ten points.
Added: March 23, 2024
Artist: The Chambers Brothers Album: Now! Label: Vault Catalog: LP 115 Year: 1966 Genre: soul Cover Designer: Ralph Kaffel Cover photography: Bob Gerstlauer Grade: **** 4 stars
If I had to pick a cover that screamed mid-60s gestalt (always wanted to use that word on the internet), then this Chambers Brothers album cover would certainly be in the running. For some reason the flower cover has always reminded me of that infamous Lyndon B. Johnson "daisy girl" commercial. If you've never seen it, check out the attached YouTube link:
Add in the '60s font (which is almost impossible to read) and you've got a classic timepiece cover.
Added: March 21, 2024
Artist: Les Sinners Album: Sinnerismes Label: Jupiter Catalog: JDY 7009 Year: 1967 Genre: garage / pop Cover Designer: not listed Cover photography: not listed Grade: **** 4 stars
I'm sure there's some medical explanation for it, but if you scan through the albums on my list, you'll notice there are a disproportionate number that have bright, almost psychedelic color schemes. I'll have to ponder that fact at length.
If I had to pick an album that grabbed my attention purely on the design colors, then it would have to be this 1967 release by Les Sinners. Hard to believe, but the actual colors are even more vibrant than the image captures - the cover is literally eyeball searing intense. Most of the music is decent pop-garage in nature; including an odd French version cover of 'Penny Lane'. That said the anonymous cover more than compensates for whatever musical limitations the album had. Wonder what this baby looks like under black light, or under the influence of various lysergic substances ?
Added: March 2-, 2024
Artist: Jerry Williams Group Album: Down Home Boy Label: Columbia Catalog: C 30278 Year: 1970 Genre: rock Cover Designer: John Van Hammersveld Cover photography: Peter Pynchon Grade: * 1 star
I was born and raised in Southern Alabama so Southern food is part of my fabric. That said, I have wondered about this cover for years. What is actually on the plate? My best guess is a half eaten Moonpie sitting in some sort of syrup ... Anyone got a better idea? No matter what it was, Peter Pynchon's photo made for one unappetizing cover, though I quite liked the music.
Added: March 17, 2024
Artist: Lamont Dozier Album: Black Bach Label: ABC Catalog: ABCS 839 Year: 1974 Genre: soul Cover Designer: not listed Cover photography: not applicable Grade: **** 4 stars
C'mon, you've got to admit there's something fascinating about this one. By 1974 Lamont Dozier had been fashioning hits for other people for a decade. The man literally had a golden touch when it came to songwriting. Against that backdrop you couldn't blame him for wanting to take a stab at a solo career (this was actually his second solo album). I'm not trying to imply Dozier was suffering from a form of megalomania, but the Bach comparison was certainly pushing it. Regardless, I love the cover art.
Added: March 16, 2024
Artist: The Staehely Brothers Album: Sta-Hay-Lee Label: Epic Catalog: KE 32385 Year: 1973 Genre: rock Cover Designer: Pacific Eye & Ear Cover photo: not applicable Grade: **** 4 stars
Who are these guys? Second generation members of Spirit (Al Staehely wrote most of the material on the band's 1972's "Feedback" LP) ... The album cover's Grateful Dead nods were hysterical. Musically it wasn't a bad mixture of mid-'70s blues-rock, boogie-rock, and a touch of country.
Added: March 15, 2024
Artist: Ike Turner Album: Bad Dreams Label: United Artists Catalog: UA LA087 F Year: 1973 Genre: R&B / soul Cover Designer: W.T. Vinson Photo: Mike Salisbury Grade: **** 4 stars
The late Ike Turner wasn't exactly known for his sense of humor . For goodness sake, he's the bad guy who abused Tina Turner and was busted a dozen times for cocaine. Well, that may all be true, but judging by this hysterical W.T. Vinson cover he did have a sense of humor. I always wondered what Tina Turner thought of the cover ...
Added: March 14, 2024
Artist: Wayne Cochran Album: Wayne Cochran! Label: Chess Catalog: LPS 1519 Year: 1967 Genre: blue-eyed soul Cover Designer: Jerry Griffith Photo not applicable Grade: **** 4 stars
This is one of those covers that probably won't make much of an impression to anyone unfamiliar with the late Wayne Cochran (he passed on in November 2017). That population would pretty much be anyone under 30. Accordingly I won't bother with a Wayne Cochran primer as there are plenty already online. My suggestion would be to read his Wikipedia entry: Wayne Cochran - Wikipedia What I will do is show you a picture of Cochran in his prime. That should make the album cover connection a bit clearer ... What a great album cover and the album isn't bad either !!!
Added: March 13, 2024
Artist: Steely Dan Album: Aja Label: ABC Catalog: AB 1006 Year: 1977 Genre: rock Cover Patriicia Mistui and Geoff Westen Photo Hideki Fujii Grade: ***** 5 stars
I was a freshmen in college when this album came out (note the term album - showing my age here). My roommate bought the album first and we played it time after time after time on his little stereo system. I can remember staring at the cover and just being mesmerized by its mysterious simplicity. After a couple of beers it was simply mesmerizing. I always wondered what inspired Hideki Fujii's photo and whether it was a spur of the moment image or, like a Steely Dan album, took hours and hours to stage. Regardless, I've certainly spent hours and hours staring at it.
For anyone curious, the woman featured on the cober was the late Japanese model and actress Sayoko Yamaguchi. Yamaguchi was a groundbreaker as one of the first Asian models to make it big in the modeling world. She expanded her career into acting and costume design before dying of pneumonia in August, 2007. By the way, photographer Fujii has also passed on. He died in May, 2010.
This will be one of the albums played at my wake.
Added: March 12, 2024
Artist: H.P. Lovecraft Title: H.P. Lovecraft II Label: Philips Catalog: PHS 600 27 Year: 1968 Genre: psych Concept: Bob Schnept Cover art: Bob Schnept Grade: ***** 5 stars
Chicago's H.P. Lovecraft recorded two of my favorite 1960s psychedelic albums. The self-titled debut is awesome from start to finish. The sophomore album is equally good, but courtesy of Bob Schnept, has the cooler cover. The funny thing is I've never been certain what the cover shows. After years of staring at it, I've come to the conclusion it reflects a World War I doughboy next to Russian Bolshevik. I guess only Schnepf knows for certain and I've never seen anything where he discussed the album. The one thing I am certain about is the color scheme is amazing.
There's a short bio on the artist at: Bob Schnepf - Artist - Master - Bahr Gallery
Added: March 11, 2024
Artist: Sonny Lester and his Orchestra Title: Ann Corio Presents How to Strip for Your Husband: Music to Make Marriage Merrier Label: Roulette Catalog: SR-25186 Year: 1962 Genre: jazz Cover art: Howard Nostrand Photographer: not applicable Grade: **** 4 stars
Artist: Sonny Lester and his Orchestra Title: Ann Corio Presents How to Strip for Your Husband, Vol 2 Label: Roulette Catalog: SR-25224 Year: 1963 Genre: jazz Cover art: Howard Nostrand Photographer: not applicable Grade: **** 4 stars
Tastesless. Sexist. Not acceptable in an age when we respect female rights. I totally concur. Blame my wife for this one. No she didn't come home and surprise me with one of these albums, but she did send me a picture of the debut album.
those of you curious, there was in fact an Ann Corio The late Ms.
Corsio (she passed away in 1999), was a well known American burlesque
Besides these two albums, there's a slew off similar themed Corio releases: 1963's "How To Belly Dance for Your Husband", 1974's "Emmanuelle", 1993's "How To Strip for Your Boy-Friend", and 1998's "Music To Keep Your Husband Happy."
The covers were done by the late cartoonist Howard Nostrand. I'm not big into cartoons but he appears to have been a fascinating guy who I would have enjoyed talking to. Here's his Wikipedia link: Howard Nostrand - Wikipedia
Hum. Interesting nobody's asked about the music? Well Lester and company sounded like they were a mildly talented group of guys, though the performance on these two album's had about as much energy as George Costanza's member in the "shrinkage" episode. You can judge for yourself via this clip of 'Bumps & Grinds': Bumps & Grinds (
Added: March 10, 2024
Artist: Willie Bobo Title: Juicy Label: Verve Catalog: V-8685 Year: 1967 Genre: Latin jazz Cover art: Acy R. Lehman Photographer: Rudy Legman Grade: **** 4 stars
Yes, I whole-heartedly agree that the cover concept is sexist. I know the fact it was designed in the mid-'60s should not make any difference. And yet, I love the cover. Maybe it's in poor taste, but it makes you long for the day when things were not as extreme and an album cover didn't require a parental warning label. Say what you will, photographer Rudy Legman's cover shows the attractive young lady who is at least fully clothed and if you listen to Bobo's Latin jazz tunes, there's nothing on this album that is anywhere near as demeaning to women as your typical rap album.
Rudy Legman ... what a great name for a photographer. LOL
Added: March 08, 2024
Artist: Brainbox Title: Brainbox Label: Parlophone Catalog: 5C054.24082 Year: 1969 Genre: blues-rock Art Direction: Jacques Bontje Cover art: Jacques Bontje Grade: **** 4 stars
Back in the late 1970s I remember seeing a copy of this album in a Brussels, Belgium record store (back when record stores were a common thing), and coming this close to buying it. I didn't know anything about the band, though I did recognize Jan Akkerman's name and actually owned a couple of Focus albums. Still it was the cool cover that captured my attention. There's just something fascinating about Dutch artist Jacques Bontje's beehive styled structure on the cover. Kind of a Buckingham Fuller vibe going on here.
Added: March 07, 2024
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Artist: Cosmic Rough Riders Title: Enjoy the Melodic Sunshine Label: Poptones Catalog: MC5014LP Year: 2001 Genre: psych Art Direction: Jake Rickwood Cover art: Jake Rickwood Grade: ***** 5 stars
Okay, it was released in 2001, but the packaging just screams 1967 ... And the album is one of my favorite recent discoveries. Literally one of those rare albums where there wasn't a single bad song on the collection. More about them on the BadCatRecords website: B (
Added: March 05, 2024
Artist: West Coast Pop Art Experimental Band Title: A Child's Guide To Good & Evil Label: Reprise Catalog: RS 6208 Year: 1968 Genre: psych Art Direction: Ed Thrasher Cover photo: John von Hamersveldt Grade: ***** 5 stars
There are thousands and thousands of psychedelic album covers out there. This one easily gets into my top-10 list. Admittedly it lacks the rainbow of colors typical of classic psychedelic offerings, but that might be part of what makes this such a great cover.
Baltimore's John von Hamersveldt is probably best known for designing The Beatles' "Magical Mystery Tour", but over a career starting in the mid-'60s, he's designed 300+ covers, including The Stones' "Exile On Main Street", The Jefferson Airplane's "Crown of Creation" and The Beach Boy's "Wild Honey". All are stunning, but this may be my favorite.
Here's a link to von Hamersveldt's website:
Added: March 03, 2024
Milt Jackson Grade: ***** 5 stars
So, I'm not a big jazz fan and this is one of the few Milt Jackson albums in my collection (it's actually the only Milt Jackson album in my collection). Maybe because I just saw the film Jamanji 2, this cover came to my mind. I'm not at zoologist, but I'm guessing those are ostriches on the cover? No matter, the late Peter Turner's image of the heads silhouetted against the sun made for a stunning cover.
Turner was responsible for dozens and dozens of albums covers; most for the CTI jazz label. There's even a book featuring his work and a fascinating website devoted to his work:
Added: March 01, 2024
Artist: various artists Title: A Very Special Christmas Label: A&M Catalog: SP-3911 Year: 1987 Genre: rock Art Direction: Keith Haring Cover art: Keith Haring Grade: ***** 5 stars
Even if you are not into art, there's a good chance you're familiar with the work of the late Keith Haring. I don't know what you would call it ... Grafitti? Pop art? Street Art? To me it really doesn't matter since there's something charming and uplifting in the simple, almost child-like Christmas themed cover he provided for this 1987 charity album intended for the Special Olympics.
There's a ton of Haring information on the web. A good place to start is the Wikipedia link on the artist:
Added: February 23, 2024
Artist: Pat Travers Title: Radio Active Label: Polydor Catalog: PD-1-6313 Year: 1981 Genre: rock Art Direction: Bob Heimall Cover art: Digital Effects Grade: **** 4 stars
I'll make these comments short and to the point - I love the unusual color contrast effects. Very '80s !!!
Added: February 20, 2024
Artist: Larry Coryell and Alphonse Mouzon Title: Back Together Again Label: Atlantic Catalog: SD18220 Year: 1977 Genre: jazz Art Direction: Bob Defrin Cover art: Roger Huyssen Grade: **** 4 stars
I guess it's kind of odd that I'm not a big jazz fan (I've tried), but a disproportionate number of jazz album covers appeal to me. Here's another one where the jazzy tunes don't do much for my ears, but Roger Huyssen's playful cover always makes me smile. The man's responsible for a dazzling array of commercial art including commercials (he's worked for Coke and M&M), movies, as well as designing over 50 album covers. Most are for jazz artists, but there are some exceptions, including a couple of the iconic Boston LPs and James Brown's "Sex Machine Today".
He has an interesting website at:
Added: February 20, 2024
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Artist: Kenny Loggins Title: Vox Humana Label: Columba Catalog: FC39174 Year: 1985 Genre: pop Cover Design: Michael Gonzales Cover art: Michael Gonzales Grade: * 1 star
Here's a rarity on the list. I've posted lots of crappy covers, but in most instances financial situation has something to do with album cover choices. You can't say that's the excuse for this one. . Seriously, you're one of Columbia Records' biggest selling solo acts with a score of classic "yacht rock' tunes to your name. Why would you have let a marketing company say "yeah, love the cover concept on this one ...". If this had been submitted to you as a high school art project you would have suggested the student consider taking some sort of woodworking class. Dreadful cover.
Added: February 18, 2024
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Artist: Little Feat Title: Waiting for Columbus Label: Warner Brothers Catalog: 2BS 3140 Year: 1978 Genre: rock Cover Design: Neon Park Cover art: Neon Park Grade: **** 4 stars
The double album live "Waiting for Columbus" collection was my introduction to Little Feat (thanks Bruce J.) and a turntable mainstay for me when I was in college. The mixture of rock, country and funkier moves was almost magical and I was always amazed and how good Little Feat sounded in a live setting. Okay, the magic of post-production may have helped a little bit. And then there was the late Neon Park's fascinating cover ... This was the seventh Little Feat album cover he designed and with the possible exception of "Sailin' Shoes", the best. If nothing else, it's the best album cover I've ever seen featuring an anthropomorphic tomato.
There are lots of sites devoted to Park's career. You can find one of the better ones, including some information on his links to Little Feat at this one:
And anyone curious to sample this wonderful album can start with "Fat Man In the Bathroom":
Added: February 14, 2024
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Artist: Byron Lee & the Dragonaires Title: Reggae Splashdown Label: Dynamic Catalog: WSY 3322 Year: 1971 Genre: reggae Cover Design: Roberts Design Group Ltd Cover photo: IPS - Apollo 12 Splash Down Grade: **** 4 stars
Lee's kind of the James Last version of the reggae world. In that role he's recorded dozens of album (most sporting cheesecake, pin-up covers), featuring reggae-fied version of popular pop, rock and soul songs. For goodness sakes, this album has a reggae cover of a Jackson Five song, as well as George Harrson's 'My Sweet Lord'. The guy's certainly not without talent, but his sound has always struck me as more Holiday Inn, than Bob Marley.
Regardless of the merits of this album, I'm kind of a space nut, so the polarized colored cover of the Apollo 12 splashdown was kind of cool.
Added: February 10, 2024
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Artist: Lime Title: Your Love Label: Manta Catalog: WLP-1026 Year: 1981 Genre: disco Cover Design: Michael Gray Cover photo: Michael Gray Grade: * 1 star
Denis and Denyse Lepage were the faces of the Montreal-based duo Lime. I'm not a big disco fan so I don't know a great deal about them, but based on a couple of their YouTube videos, I will say they deserve credit for showing that average looking and modestly talented folks could enjoy some recognition on the music scene - well, at least in early-'80s Quebec. Geez, who knew Quebec had an early-'80s disco scene?
The bizarre cover is what caught my attention. Initially I thought the cover art featured one of the strangest looking guys I'd ever seen dressed in drag. It's actually a heavily made-up Denyse. Curiously, the liner notes credited Denyse's make-up artists, as well as the folks responsible for the bizarre outfit she was wearing. Elsewhere, Denyse's sheer blouse displayed a little more of her anatomy than one might have expected.
Anyone curious about the pair can find them lip-synching the title track at:
Let me warn everyone that Denyse's shrill, little girl voice and Denis' flat delivery make for an acquired taste. I guess if you're into The Sparks, this won't do you any harm.
Added: February 09, 2024
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Artist: Peter Lang Title: The Strange Thing at the Nursery Window Label: Takoma Catalog: C 1034 Year: 1973 Genre: folk Cover Design: Pat Finnerty Cover photo: not applicable Grade: **** 4 stars
I'm not a gigantic fan of acoustic guitar work, but I'll make an exception for the likes of Peter Lang, John Fahey and Leo Kottke. Even if you're not a fan of the music, there's something fascinating about Pat Finnerty's weird-as-hell cover. I've looked around the internet for some information on the album title and cover art with nothing to show for my efforts ...
By the way, check out Finnerty's artwork for John Fahey's "America" album - it's even stranger ...
Added: February 08, 2024
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Artist: Kossoff Kirke Tetsu Rabbit Title: Kossoff Kirke Tetsu Rabbit Label: Capitol Catalog: SMAS 8329 Year: 1972 Genre: rock Cover Design: CCS Cover photo: not applicable Grade: * 1 star
As a big Free fan, I've always liked this pseudo-Free release - it's basically the Free line-up sans front man/lead singer Paul Rogers. Ironically, the cover seems to have been designed to ensure minimal sales. It's almost as if the Island marketing folks decided to come up with the blandest packaging the could imagine in order to make sure the collection quickly migrated to cutout bins. You can almost picture Rogers laughing at the this effort. "You guys are nothing without me in the band ..." Shame, since the collection offered up some pretty good blues-rock - the instrumental 'Just In the Box' is a great showcase for Paul Kossoff's sterling lead guitar.
Added: February 06, 2024
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Artist: Daddy Cool Title: Teenage Heaven Label: Reprise Catalog: MS-2088 Year: 1972 Genre: rock Cover Design: Ed Thrasher Cover photo: David Williardson Grade: ***** 5 stars
Yes, this is one of those albums I bought strictly for the cover, though the music isn't half bad - read the BadCatrecords review. Illustrator Williardson went on to major fame as an artist riding on Mickey Mouse's coattails (Google him), but this is simply a classic album cover.
Added: February 01, 2024
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Artist: The Kinks Title: The Kinks Present Schoolboys In Discrace Label: RCA Victor Catalog: LPL1-5102 Year: 1975 Genre: rock Cover Design: Pat Doyle Cover photo: Mickey Finn Grade: ***** 5 stars
My wife and friends will tell you I have the sophistication and sense of humor of a 12 year old. I won't argue the point. Fart jokes still make me laugh. And that probably explains why I think this cover is so funny. Admittedly Mickey Finn's cover illustration is not the most sophisticated concept you've ever encountered and it probably fails by today's hypersensitive set of PC rules. Still, the cover makes me smile. Yes, I believe it's the Mickey Finn of T-Rex fame.
Added: January 29, 2024
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Artist: Otis Redding Title: The Otis Redding DIctionary of Soul Label: Volt Catalog: SD 1554 Year: 1966 Genre: soul Cover Design: Ronnie Stoots Cover photo: Ronnie Stoots Grade: ***** 5 stars
I don't think I have every heard a bad Otis Redding album and I've owned most of the catalog at one time or another. The fact this one has a cool cover is simply icing on the cake. It's just one of those covers that brings a smile to my face. Also, if you like music - any kind of music, buy a copy of this class album !!!
I never noticed Ronnie Stoots was responsible for the album design. Stoots may be better know as the lead singer for The Regents and The Mar-Keys, but he was also a talented designer. He was responsible for the original Stax logo, as well as designing numerous Stax album covers. As a solo artist he also recorded what is one of the worst Stax albums I've ever heard. LOL
Added: January 27, 2024
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Artist: Eddie Harris Title: Come On Down Label: Atlantic Catalog: SD 1554 Year: 1970 Genre: jazz Cover Design: Loring Eutemey Cover photo: Loring Eutemey Grade: *** 3 stars
Having just posted a Loring Eutemey cover as a favorite, why not another one?
So, I'm not a gigantic jazz fan. It's a genre I've tried to get into (just like I've tried to cultivate a taste for wine), but like wine, the results have been disappointing. Beer please ...
I guess my musical tastes are just too lowbrow to get most jazz. That said, this 1970 album us actually surprisingly funky - kind of a Stax-meets-jazz vibe on tracks like 'Don't You Know Your future's In Space' and 'Live Right Now'. And the cover is just plain strange. No idea what the concept was, but the juxtaposition of an orange on sax player Hariss' head was eye catching. Did I mention how strange it was?
Added: January 25, 2024
Artist: Archie Bell and the Drells Title: Tighten Up Label: Atlantic Catalog: SC 8181 Year: 1968 Genre: soul Cover Design: Loring Eutemey Cover photo: Loring Eutemey Grade: **** 4 stars
'Tighten Up' is one of my first musical memories ... I was nine and most certainly heard it on AFN Europe as my family was living in what was West Germany and the time. I'm now in my early 60s and to this day the song remains one of the funkiest tunes I've ever heard.
Ironically I did not see a copy of the parent album until I was in college. I spotted it at a used record store in Blacksburg, Virginia and instantly grabbed it. As much as I love the song, the late Loring Eutemey's stylized '60s cover was just as cool. How can you not love a cover that shows a guy wearing a Nehru jacket?
Someday I'll have to do a little more research on the late Eutemey (he died in September, 2013 at the age of 88). He started out as a freelance illustrator and graphic designer, originally known for the dozens of jazz covers he designed in partnership with Atlantic Records. By the early-'60s he'd expanded his horizons to include soul and pop covers. In the meantime, Victor Margolin wrote a fascinating piece on Eutemey for the online Print Magazine website: American Jazz Album Covers in the 1950s and 1960s – PRINT Magazine
Added: January 24, 2024
Artist: The Bee Gees Title: Odessa Label: ATCO Catalog: SD 2-702 Year: 1969 Genre: pop Cover Design: unknown Cover photo: unknown Grade: **** 4 stars
The Bee Gees at their most over-the-top, 1969's "Odessa" is one of those albums that you'll love, or hate with a passion. Personally I'm a fan of their attempts to get deep and heavy. Add to that, it was a double album concept piece - the title track's plot line apparently having something to do with the story of a disappearing ship. Elsewhere there were all sorts of oddball detours, including a nod to Thomas Edison ("Edison")..
Anyhow, the reason this one makes the list has to do with the cover. ATCO marketing must have a fit when the Gibbs decided they wanted to package this collection in a red, pseudo-velvet cover with gold imprints. Yeah, even though there weren't any breathtaking illustrations, it made for an impressive package. Reissues did away with the velvet material.
Added: January 22, 2024
Artist: Chubby Checker Title: For Twisters Only Label: Parkway Catalog: P 7002 Year: 1960 Genre: soul Cover Design: unknown Cover photo: unknown Grade: ** 2 stars
I'm not a big Chubby Checker fan and didn't even realize I owned this album until I was filing away a pile of vinyl that had been sitting under my desk for a year. Musically this set isn't anything to get excited about - just another entry in the seemingly endless caravan of early-'60s albums intended to ride on the Twist dance craze. The album cover isn't really an better until you take a close look at the map and realize the designer apparently failed out of Geography 101, Among the states missing in action - Mississippi, Louisiana, most of New England ... Maybe twisters wiped them off the map? Elsewhere state borders were simply realigned without much attention. Who knew Maryland was such a big place? Not sure, but it made me smile.
Added: January 20, 2024
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Artist: Keith Jarrett Title: Staircase Label: ECM Catalog: ECM-2 1090 Year: 1977 Genre: jazz Cover Design: B. Wojirsch Cover photo: Franco Fontana / IKS s.p.a. Modena Grade: **** 4 stars
My wife will tell you that I suffer from a severe case of Obsessive Compulsive Disease (ODC) and there's probably some truth to that observation. It may not be severe, but I certainly prefer things to be neat and tidy. As an example, countertops should be clear ... But living with a wife who doesn't subscribe to that outlook (to say nothing of having raised two sons who never saw a floor that shouldn't have junk tossed on it), means I've learned to set limits.
Kind of like the Vietnam War, where the South Vietnamese and American forces basically gave up on certain regions of the country, I've given up trying to keep the whole house clean. Instead, I focus on select areas; even though those are never ending war zones where I try to retain some semblance of order.
Anyhow, what's that have to do with this album? Well Franco Fontana's cover photo appeals to the minimalist in me. There isn't a lot of clutter here - basically straight lines; just the bare bones structure. Nice and clean !!! Can't say I'm a big fan of Jarrett's keyboard heavy jazz riffing, but I like the album cover enough to keep it in my collection.
Here's a link to Fontana's website: FRANCO FONTANA PHOTOGRAPHER
Added: January 18, 2024
Artist: Jean Michel Jarre Title: Equinoxe Label: Polydor Catalog: PD-16175 Year: 1978 Genre: progressive Art Direction: Michel Granger Cover art: Michel Granger Grade: *** 3 stars
This is another album that I have one of those complex love-hate relationships with. A college roommate had an affection for this kind of new wave/progressive stuff and played this album on a regular basis. The fact he owned the stereo meant he controlled most of the music we heard. In sharp contrast, I found the seemingly endless synthesizer washes cloying and outright irritating. To this day the burps and bleeps remind me of an Atari game set on its final electronic legs. Regardless, there's something frightening and fascinating in French artist Michel Granger's cover art.
Here's a link to Granger's website: Michel Granger - official site (
For anyone interested in hearing this one, YouTube has the album at: Jean Michel Jarre - Equinoxe Full Album (MFSL) [HQ] ( Word of warning - I actually listened to it for the first time in about five decades and found it as vapid and dull as the last time I listened.
Added: January 16, 2024
Artist: Jan & Dean Title: The Best of Jan & Dean Label: Liberty Catalog: LN 10115 Year: 1981 Genre: surf Art Direction: not listed Cover art: not listed Grade: * 1 star
So this was clearly a throwaway retrospective collection, perhaps meant to sell to the remaining handful of Jan & Dean fans before they passed on to the great surfing competition that awaits in the next life ... Regardless, the album sported one of the most unimaginative covers that you could imagine. Why would anyone think this was a good cover?
Added: January 15, 2024
Artist: Chuck Jackson and Maxine Brown Title: Saying Something Label: Wand Catalog: 669 Year: 1965 Genre: soul Art Direction: not listed Cover art: not listed Grade: *** 3 stars
Hard to believe that in the mid-'60s record companies were reluctant to release record albums that reflected people of color. How else to explain Wand slapping this hysterically bland, MOR cover on an album featuring two of soul's most gifted singers. Even stranger and more disconcerting, why was the guy wearing white gloves? Today you'd be concerned the guy was some sort of whack job who didn't want to leave fingerprints ... And what was in the box? Poisoned candy?
Added: January 12, 2024
Artist: The J. Geils Band Title: Hotline Label: Atlantic Catalog: SD 18147 Year: 1975 Genre: rock Art Direction: Peter Corriston AGI Cover art: Peter Corriston AGI Grade: **** 4 stars
I remember buying this one while in high school (at a local Korvettes); not that I knew anything about the J. Geils Band (this was before they became radio favorites), but largely for the cool, gimmick album cover. Plus it was colorful and the old-school styled phone just struck a chord with my pedestrian tastes.
Corriston's famed for his album cover work including Led Zeppelin's "Physical Graffiti", The Stones' "Some Girls" and "Tattoo You", etc. A good place to learn about the man is on his Wikipedia page: Peter Corriston - Wikipedia
My kids are likely to stare at the album cover and ask what is that thing?
Added: January 10, 2024
Artist: Mick Jagger Title: Primitive Cool Label: Columbia Catalog: OC 40919 Year: 1987 Genre: rock Art Direction: Francesco Clemente Cover art: Francesco Clemente Grade: * 1 star
Seriously - the album cover was as bad as the album itself. Yech and yech.
Added: January 10, 2024
Artist: Jade Warrior Title: Jade Warrior Label: Vertigo Catalog: VEL 1007 Year: 1971 Genre: easy progressive Art Direction: not listed Cover art: not listed Grade: **** 4 stars
Jade Warrior is one of those bands that simply isn't going to appeal to a large audience. Their unique niche melding rock, folk, progressive, oriental and kitchen sink influences is just too eclectic for most ears. I'm certainly not a hard core fan, though I'll admit there's a place for them on my Sunday morning playlist. Matter of fact, I'm listening to this album on an early Sunday morning (through headphones so I don't wake up the rest of the family). In contrast to the grooves, the uncredited cover art is mesmerizing. I'd love to know what the Japanese characters on the sail mean.
Added: January 09, 2024
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Artist: The Ray Charles Singers Title: Songs for Latin Lovers Label: Command Catalog: RS 886 SD Year: 1965 Genre: easy listening Art Direction: Charles E. Murphy Cover art: D. Pezza Grade: ***** 4 stars
I bought an album on-line and the seller included this album as a throw-away stiffener intended to protect the album I'd purchased. Yeah, this kind of easy listening stuff doesn't hit my turntable very often, but the album cover was enough to convince me to give it a spin. And while the music was bland, MOR stabs at cool Latin moves, the cheerful cover continues to make me smile. Now if I could only figure out who the artist was. The liner notes have pages and pages of technical information on the recording process, but other than the artists name written in cursive on the cover, there's no information on the artist. I've stared at the signature for a long time and still can't make it out. Anyone out there ???
Added: January 08, 2024
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Artist: It's a Beautiful Day Title: It's a Beautiful Day Label: Columbia Catalog: CS 9768 Year: 1969 Genre: psych Design: Globe Propaganda (George Hunter) Cover art: Kent Hollister Grade: ***** 5 stars
So here's another album cover that just exudes that unique '60s vibe. This wasn't the only album cover that George Hunter and his Global Propaganda design company were responsible for (Quicksilver Messenger Service's "Happy Trails" and "Shady Grove", Canned Heat's "Hallelujah" and Danny O'Keefe's "O'Keefe" are just a couple. That said, this is the best of the lot.
Painted by the late Leslie "Kent" Hollister, the design was copied from American impressionist Charles Courtney Curran's 1912 painting entitled Woman on the Top of a Mountain. Perhaps because it harkens back to a less complicated time, there's just something pleasant and calming about the cover.
Added: January 07, 2024
Artist: The Incredible String Band Title: The 5000 Spirits or the Layers of the Onion Label: Elektra Catalog: EKS 74010 Year: 1967 Genre: folk-rock Design: Simon and Marijke (aka Seemon Posthuma and Marijke Koger) Cover art: Simon and Marijke (aka Seemon Posthuma and Marijke Koger) Grade: ***** 5 stars
If I had to pick five album covers that captured the mid-1960s zeitgeist (always wanted to use that word in a write-up), this would be one of them. The cover is simply stunning. Admitted the music is somewhat of an acquired taste (too folky for me), but the cover more than makes up for any musical shortcomings to my ears. The Dutch artists are fascinating in their own way - I've included a link to the Wikipedia write-up on the pair.
Added: January 06, 2024
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Artist: Wishbone Ash Title: Pilgrimage Label: Decca Catalog: DL 75295 Year: 1971 Genre: progressive Design: Hipgnosis Cover art: Hipgnosis Grade: **** 4 stars
Love the unexpected color scheme and the interesting angle of the old tree. It's just a need gatefold illustration. Something I would not hesitate to put on my walls.
Added: January 05, 2024
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Artist: Jerry Lewis Title: Just Sings Label: MCA Catalog: 510.042 Year: 1971 Genre: rock Design: Jean Mulatier Cover art: Jean Mulatier Grade: *** 3 stars
Well known French illustrator Jean Mulatier was responsible for the bizarre cover art. I can't even begin to guess why MCA's French marketing arm would have elected such a strange cover - course I'm not sure why they felt the need to release this album.
From what little I've read about Jerry Lewis, while the man was known as a comic, he was pretty uptight and had a rather volatile personality. I'm guessing he didn't have much of a sense of humor when it came to his own personality. He also seems pretty protective of his image. Of course he was considered some sort of comic God in France, but I still have to wonder what he thought of this 1971 French release?
Wikipedia has a lengthy entry on the man: Jean Mulatier - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Added: January 04, 2024
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Artist: Junie Title: Bread Alone Label: Columbia Catalog: NJE 36585 Year: 1980 Genre: funk Design: Carin Goldberg Cover photo: David Michael Kennedy Grade: *** 3 stars
Everyone tells me I have a dry, quirky sense of humor which probably explains why I think this cover is so funny. The thought of someone having stacked hundreds of slices of bread around namesake Walter "Junie" Morrison just makes me smile. Okay, I'll admit it was a massive waste of food.
By the way, Morrison's best known for his keyboard work with George Clinton and the Funkadelic/Parliament extended family. While "No Bread" has a funky edge to it, Morrison had a great voice and the album was surprisingly commercial and enjoyable.
Added: January 03, 2024
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Artist: Rare Earth Title: Rare Earth In Concert Label: Rare Earth Catalog: R 534D Year: 1971 Genre: rock Graphic Supervisor: Tom Schlensinger Cover Art: Curtis McNair Grade: **** 4 stars
Nah, I'm not a military fanatic, but this gimmick cover replicating an Army backpack was simply too cool to ignore.
I never realized on what a massive role McNair had in Motown's successes until I found a great article on the man: Curtis McNair - The Man Behind The Album Covers At Motown - E.FM Radio (
Added: January 02, 2024
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Artist: Kokomo Title: Rise and Shine Label: Columbia Catalog: KC 34031 Year: 1975 Genre: rock Cover Design: Art Design Cover photo: not applicable Grade: *** 3 stars
If you've looked at any of the entries in this blog you'll notice my tastes tend to run to the sophomoric. And here's another example of that character defect. Can't say I liked the adult contemporary tunes on this album very much, but the Canadian pressing of the LP at least had a nice cover that makes me smile.
The fact I'm writing this on the first day of the new year when much of the population looks like the sad, possibly hung-over rooster on the album cover only makes it even funnier.
Added: January 01, 2024
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Artist: Hungry Tiger Title: Hungry Tiger Label: Magna Glide Catalog: SP 3506 Year: 1977 Genre: rock Concept: Stephen Saban Cover art: Stephen Saban Grade: **** 4 stars
The subject matter; the jarring color scheme - this one simply jumps out at you. Moreover, if you've ever cruised the BadCatRecords website, you'll know that I have an interest in tax scam labels. The Magna Glide label's particularly interesting to me in that it seems to have had some tax scam characteristics and was operated by bubblegum kings Jerry Kasenetz and Jeff Katz's. The attached link provides a little bit of information on the label:
Assuming they were a real band, based on the abbreviated liner notes on the album, Hungry Tiger featured the talents of brothers Denny (lead guitar and vocals) and Randy (vocals, guitar, keyboards) Davidson, drummer Michael Medeck, and bassist James Webster. Given many Magna Glide acts were from Ohio, that's where I'd guess these guys were based.
The group's link to Kasenetz and Katz goes back to 1968 when they produced a killer one-shot blue-eyed soul single for the White Whale label for the band: - 1968's 'Fee-Fi-Foo-Fum' b/w 'Tic Tac Toe' (White Whale catalog number WWS 313)
Co-produced by Kasenetz, Katz, and Randy Davidson, musically 1977's "Hungry Tiger" offered up a pretty decent set of MOR pop with a heavy emphasis on ballads like 'Ten Miles Long', 'Forget About Tomorrow', and 'Small Craft Warning.'. Randy was responsible for most of the material and most of the vocals. The other three members each handled one tune. Randy was an okay lead singer, though his delivery was occasionally on the nasally and fragile side ('Can't Stop Breathing'), Unfortunately the heavy emphasis on ballads gave the album a one sided flavor and on those rare occasions they took a stab at an up-tempo rocker, the results were sabotaged by flat vocals - check out Webster's performance on 'Time To Love'. They clearly were a talented outfit, but the absence of a strong lead singer was something they simply couldn't overcome.
Let me add the back cover liner notes don't show the proper running order. The information below has the songs in the proper sequence. You can read the rest of the review at BadCatRecords:
Co-produced by Kasenetz, Katz, and Randy Davidson, musically 1977's "Hungry Tiger" offered up a pretty decent set of MOR pop with a heavy emphasis on ballads like 'Ten Miles Long', 'Forget About Tomorrow', and 'Small Craft Warning.'. Randy was responsible for most of the material and most of the vocals. The other three members each handled one tune. Randy was an okay lead singer, though his delivery was occasionally on the nasally and fragile side ('Can't Stop Breathing'), Unfortuntnately the heavy emphasis on ballads gave the album a one sided flavor and on those rare occasions they took a stab at an up-tempo rocker, the results were sabotaged by flat vocals - check out Webster's performance on 'Time To Love'. They clearly were a talented outfit, but the absence of a strong lead singer was something they simply couldn't overcome. Let me add the back cover liner notes don't show the proper running order. The information below has the songs in the proper sequence.
Added: December 30, 2023
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Artist: Humble Pie Title: Performance Rockin' the Fillmore Label: A&M Catalog: SP 3506 Year: 1971 Genre: blues rock Concept: Roland Young Cover art: Roland Young Grade: * 1 star
Musically this double live set was their American commercial breakthrough, but it has always struck me as being kind of plodding. For goodness sakes, the thing clocks in at almost an hour in length and it is heavy on covers - there's one original composition. Admittedly, the band can mine a groove and there were a couple of decent performances - 'I Don't Need No Doctor'' comes to mind. As for the cover ... YAWN !!!
Added: December 29, 2023
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Artist: Pam Windo and the Shades Title: It Label: Bearsville Catalog: BRK 3497 Year: 1981 Genre: new wave Concept: Bruce Marion Cover art: Bruce Marion Grade: * 1 star
Song-for-song "It" may be one of the most irritating albums I've ever heard. The combination of Pam Windo's flat, Germanic-flavored vocals and the band's penchant for atonal song structures with plenty of honking saxophones was best described as headache inducing. Hard to provide an apt description, but imagine the worst of Nina Hagen and James Chance and the Whites and you'll be in the right neighborhood. Definitely an album that qualifies for clear-out-the-end-of-the-party status. The hideous Bruce Marion album cover certainly didn't help matters.
Added: December 28, 2023
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Artist: Les Hou-Lops Title: Les Hou-Lops Label: CANUSA Catalog: CJ-33-110 Year: 1967 Genre: garage Concept: not listed Cover art: not listed Grade: * 1 star
If I were employed in the design arena, I would use this cover as an example of everything done wrong. Black, white, and gray with a design that looked like it was ripped off some dive bar bathroom's wallpaper ... Seriously, could you come up with a design that was less impressive? Well, at least the band's name was prominently displayed (though they may have wished that wasn't the case given how crappy the cover was).
Added: December 27, 2023
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Artist: Hotgun Title: Hotgun Label: Guinness Catalog: GNS 36014 Year: 1977 Genre: rock Concept: not listed Cover art: not listed Grade: **** 4 stars
I'm not a gun rights fanatic and I didn't pick this tax scam obscurity to make any kind of political statement. I simply like the bright colors and the Roy Lichtenstein styled pop-art cover. Like most tax scam labels, Guinness frequently didn't bother to credit the artists who recorded the music, so why would they bother paying anyone for cover art ? Needless to say, the limited liner notes don't offer up a clue as to whom was responsible for the art concept, or execution. Shame, since the art was far better than this clumsy collection of popular and less popular pop and rock hits - John Lennon, Paul McCartney and Wings, Starland Vocal Band Steppenwolf ...
Added: December 26, 2023
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So for 2023 I managed to post quite a few album cover entries. Perhaps it is time for me to re-examine my life priorities. Admittedly I'm not exactly burning up the internet here. Nobody's looking, but for my own benefit, I'll try to do better in 2024 ...
One of my Christmas presents was a book by Michael Ochs - 1000 Record Covers. Kudos the Ochs for putting this project together. He's done way more than I'll ever accomplish in this realm. I've already spent way too much time pawing through the book. It reflects dozens of fascinating album covers (including several that I'd previously listed). That said, the funny thing is how many of the 1000 covers aren't all that impressive. 'Course I'm sure the same can be said for my listing, though I include some shit*y covers as well as the ones I like.
Does anyone think Joni Mitchell's "Mingus" is a stunning cover? Admittedly Mitchell designed the cover, but so what ... Similarly, what's so special about the first James Taylor LP for Apple Records? Clearly none of us are going to agree on what constitutes a great album cover, but those differences do makes for some interesting discussions.
Added January 01, 2024
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Artist: Hot Butter (Stan Free) Title: Popcorn Label: Musicor Catalog: MS 3242 Year: 1972 Genre: pop / synthesizers Concept: not listed Cover art: not listed Grade: ***** 5 stars
I was 13 when this song hit the airwaves at it's one of my first "pop" radio memories. I can actually clearly recall hearing it on AFN radio while my family loved in Germany. The synthesizer sound was groundbreaking at the time - if you've never heard the tune, imagine early Atari game sound effects taken to the nth degree.
Ironically I didn't see a copy of the parent album until I was in my 20s. I stumbled across a copy at a yard sale and was instantly taken by the low-tech concept artwork. Yes, Musicor marketing took the time to glue a real popcorn box to the cover of each copy of the album.
And if you haven't heard the tune, YouTube has multiple clips of the song, though this one's worth seeing just for the French dancers trying to figure out what to do with the bizarre track. The panel of music "experts" at the end of the clip appear to be even more confused.
Added: December 25, 2023
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Artist: Climax Blues Band Title: Tightly Knit Label: Sire Catalog: SASD 7517 Year: 1972 Genre: blues-rock Concept: Hipgnosis Cover art: Hipgnosis Grade: * 1 star
Having just picked a Climax Blues Band LP as a favorite cover ("Stamp Album"), I'll balance it out with this appalling and bland cover. Yeah, the English design company Hipgnosis is known for their interesting album covers, but there's nothing interesting, or even appealing on this one unless you happened to be a major fan of Uncle Festus (of Adams Family fame). This was another one where you had to wonder what the band's management company was thinking. "Yeah, let's put a scary cover on the album and watch it sell like hotcakes ..."
Added: December 23, 2023
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Artist: Climax Blues Band Title: Stamp Album Label: Sire Catalog: SASD 7507 Year: 1975 Genre: blues-rock Concept: J. Flournoy Holmes / Wonder Graphics Cover art: J. Flournoy Holmes / Wonder Graphics Grade: **** 4 stars
Are you a philatelist? Neither am I, though there are certainly worse fates in life. Fact of the matter is that you don't have to be a stamp collector to think this is a cool cover. There's just something intriguing about this '30s styled image. Add to that, original copies of the album were embossed with the "8s" emphasized. Just an all around cool cover.
Added: December 22, 2023
Artist: Fay Ray Title: Contact You Label: Elektra Catalog: E1-60098 Year: 1982 Genre: new wave Concept: A.D. Design Cover art: A.D Design Grade: * 1 star
Hey, the '80s are calling. They want their album cover back. Seriously, you'd be hard pressed to come up with a design concept that screamed 80's more than this one. Wonder if they borrowed the red telephone from the White House.
The band's debut LP "Contact You" wasn't half bad. Imagine Siouxsie and the Banshees having discovered top-40 radio and you'd get a feel for the overall sound. I was surprised to learn Sheila Macartney and her compatriots (drummer Owen Hughes, guitarist John Lovering, sax player John Taylor, and bassist Tony Travis) were from Wales. I always thought the were a California based outfit. Guess I should have figured it out since some of their lyrics ("Wargames") mention Wales.
Added: December 21, 2023
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Artist: Jools Holland Title: Jools Hollad Meets Rock'A'Boogie Bill Label: A&M Catalog: SP-70509 Year: 1984 Genre: rock LP Concept: Carl Grasso Cover art: Carl Grasso Grade: * 1 star
Not much to say here other than the cover was simply hideous in every respect. Maybe that was the intention? I've struggled to come up with something; anything that I like about the cover ... nothing. Absolutely nothing. Don't like the concept (whatever it was). Don't like the design. Don't like the colors. Come to think of it, I didn't like the album that much either.
Added: December 20, 2023
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Artist: Steven Hines Band Album: It Takes So Long, But It's Worth Waiting For Label: Tiger Lily Catalog: TL-14021 Year: 1977 Genre: rock Concept: not listed Cover art: not listed Grade: ***** 5 stars
You shouldn't be surprised to learn that a tax scam label that frequently obscured artists' identifies wouldn't bother giving credit to the individuals who provided the art that graced their album covers. And that's the case with this release on the late Morris Levy's infamous Tiger Lily label. Like most Tiger Lily releases, this one isn't very good, but the Heinz ketchup inspired cover has always struck me as being cute and clever. Maybe it's because I took a lot of marketing classes in college.
Added: December 18, 2023
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Artist: Styx Album: Lady Label: RCA Victor Catalog: AQL1-3594 Year: 1980 Genre: rock Concept: Joseph Stelmach - Roland Young Cover drawing: Tim Clark Grade: ***** 5 stars
Sure, it bares more than a little influence to famed illustrator Arte, but I'm a big art deco fan and there's just something uplifting about Tim Clark's colorful, 1920s styled cover art for this 1980 reissue of what was originally released as "Styx II". How could you not like an album cover which featured a blond flapper and a guy driving a big, classic car?
Added: December 15, 2023
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Artist: Jimi Hendrix Album Title: War Heroes Label: Reprise Catalog: MS 2103 Year: 1972 Genre: rock Concept: Ken Dyball - Doug Campbell Cover drawing: Paul Jansen Grade: **** 4 stars
I'm not a super Hendrix fan, but there's something mesmerizing about the late Paul Jansen's hyper-realistic portrait of Hendrix. (The album cover's actually better than the album.)
I grabbed a brief bio on Jansen: Paul Jansen graduated from the Fine Arts Department with honors and a grant from the School of Visual Arts in the 1960s, after returning from Vietnam. After receiving postgraduate awards and scholarships such as to the renowned Skowhegan School with teachers Robert Indiana in 1969 Paul developed his unique technique and mastery of the line. With mentors from such as Frank Stella, and Franz Kline along with George Maciunas the “Father of Soho” and founder of the Fluxus Movement, Paul termed his venue as a “3D Abstract Expressionist” with cartoonist flair. Shortly thereafter, Paul served as Residence Artist at Jimi Hendrix’ Electric Lady Recording Studios in New York City. Jansen’s work appeared in Rolling Stone Magazine, The Village Voice and Playboy, and includes album cover designs for Jimi Hendrix War Heroes, and Loose Ends, and Henry McCullough’s Mind Your Own Business! Which was nominated for Album Cover of the Year Award, in London, England Only 63, suffering from lung cancer, Jensen passed away in 2008.
His wife retains an interesting website devoted to the artist:
Added: December 14, 2023
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Artist: Head East Album Title: Head East Label: A&M Catalog: SP 4680 Year: 1978 Genre: rock Concept: Michael Fink / Rod Dyer Cover photo: -- Grade: **** 4 stars
Maybe I love this one just because it's such a simply concept and one of the few orange colored covers I've ever seen?
Added: December 12, 2023
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Artist: The Four Tops Album Title: Meeting of the Mind Label: ABC Dunhill Catalog: DSD 50166 Year: 1974 Genre: soul Concept: Peter Palombi Cover photo: Peter Palombi Grade: *** 3 stars
Even if you hadn't been aware The Four Tops had switched their corporate allegiances from Motown to ABC Dunhill, chances are the weird cover would have given you a clue. Designed by Peter Palombi (his instantly recognizable, hyper-realistic air brush stylings have been featured on dozens of album covers), it was hard to imagine Motown ever blessing the strange, slightly psychedelic cover art for this one. Frankly, I still don't know what the concept was - maybe the four streams of bubbles were intended to reflect the Tops ?
Added: December 10, 2023
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Artist: Derringer Album Title: Derringer Label: Blue Sky Catalog: FZ-34181 Year: 1976 Genre: rock Concept: Gerald Huerta Cover photo: Don Hunstein Construction: Nick Fasciano Grade: * 1 star
To be honest, there's nothing particular appalling about this album cover. In fact, the only reason I picked it from the seemingly endless floor of "logo" covers, is the fact I happened to have a copy sitting on my desk. I'm not sure how much Blue Sky paid for this strategic concept, but from an artistic standpoint, the results were simply bland and completely forgettable (which also happens to describe most of the music on this album). As mentioned, the md-'70s saw a tidal way of these anonymous logo cover, Dreck !!!
Added: December 07, 2023
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Artist: Hawkwind Album Title: Road Hawks Label: United Artists Catalog: UAK 29919 Year: 1975 Genre: space rock Concept: Barney Bubbles Cover photo: not applicable Grade: **** 4stars
I guess it's funny I own this album since I'm not a big Hawkwind/space rock fan. In fact, I've probably only played this album three or four times in the 30 years I've owned it. That said, I'm a big fan of the late English graphic artist Barney Bubbles who was the inspiration for this cover.
Bubbles had previously designed a tour poster for Hawkwind and the band were so enamored with the work, they elected to adopted it for their 1975 album "Road Hawks". It may not be the prettiest cover I've ever encountered, but I just love the work's art deco feel.
Rather than spending a lot of time on Bubbles' sad and troubled career, anyone interested can start with a nice career overview on Wikipedia:
Added: December 01, 2023
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Artist: Screamin Jay Hawkins Album Title: ... What That Is! Label: Philips Catalog: PHS 600-319 Year: 1969 Genre: soul Sleeve design: not listed Concept: not listed Cover photo: Dunstan Pereira Grade: * 1 star
Admittedly the late Screamin Jay Hawkins was an unusual character, but this album cover is simply something else. How many artists would subject themselves to something like this? Seriously? What was Hawkins' record label thinking? "Yeah, we'll put him in a coffin (with a close-up shot on the back cover) and sell a million copies ..."
Maybe it was meant to be quirky, but at least to my eyes the result was merely gruesome.
Added: December 30, 2023
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Artist: Eric Burdon and the Animals Album Title: Eric Is Here Label: MGM Catalog: SE 4433 Year: 1967 Genre: rock Sleeve design: Acy Lehman Concept: Nancy Reiner Cover photo: not applicable Grade: * 1 star
Ouch - where do you even start? I'm guessing that while the rest of the band may have been a little upset with Eric Burdon hogging the media spotlight and effectively taking over The Animals nameplate, in the wake of this horrible album cover, they might have been a little less upset knowing their pictures were plastered on the cover.
Not that I am particularly artsy, but you can't help but think that if this had been submitted as a 9th grade art project, you might have recommended a do-over.
Added: November 28, 2023
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Artist: Judi Pulver Album Title: Pulver Rising Label: MGM Catalog: SE 4904 Year: 1973 Genre: pop Sleeve design: Jimmy Wachtel - Sandro Botticelli Concept: Jimmy Wachtel Cover photo: Lorrie Sullivan - Jimmy Wachtel Grade: **** 4 stars
When I stumbled across this album at a community yard sale, I had no idea who Judi Pulver was. That said, the Sandro Botticelli inspired cover certainly caught my attention. There are a bunch of Pulver clips out on YouTube and buried in one of them were some comments from the late Ms. Pulver herself: "As for the towel, Jimmy Wachtel, Waddy's brother, who was a brilliant graphic artist, did the album cover - a hand-colored version of the Boticelli's venus rising from the ocean on the 1/2 shell. It can be found in Michael Ochs Tashen's book of best album cover art of all time! As for the towel, that's another great story!"
Sadly she didn't go on to describe that story - I may have to reach out to her someday for the rest of the story. By the way, I have a copy of the Tashen book ("1,000 Record Covers") and this one is there. Prior to her February 2024 death, Pulver worked for Variety as their Music Advertising Director.
As for the album, it's not bad. Pulver had one helluva a voice - deep, raspy and powerful. Kind of reminded me of Bonnie Tyler. I'll have to put a review of the album up on the BadCatRecords website.
Added: November 25, 2023
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Artist: Debbie Harry Album Title: KooKoo Label: Chrysalis Catalog: CHR 1347 Year: 1981 Genre: rock Sleeve design: H.R. Giger Concept: H.R. Giger Cover photo: Brian Aris Grade: ** 2 stars
There's certainly nothing wrong with Debbie Harry's voice, but her all American good looks certainly didn't hurt her career. Which makes me wonder why anyone would want to package one of her solo album's with an H.R. Giger cover that was truly gruesome. Those darts give me the willies every time I see the cover. It's certainly memorable; just not in a good way.
Added: November 22, 2023
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Artist: Group 87 Album Title: Group 87 Label: Columbia Catalog: PC 36338 Year: 1980 Genre: jazz-rock Sleeve design: Steve Hiett Concept: Steve Heitt Cover photo: Steve Hiett Grade: **** 4 stars
I'm a big fan of modern architecture, so even though this collection of '80s jazz-rock doesn't do a great deal for me, the cover is pretty cool. It actually only took me a couple of years to even realize I was staring at an apartment building.
Added: November 20, 2023
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Artist: The First Choice Album Title: The Player Label: Philly Groove Catalog: PG 1502 Year: 1974 Genre: soul Sleeve design: John A. McKenzie Concept: The Music Agency Cover Cover Painting: John A. McKenzie Grade: **** 4 stars
Every now and then you find something that captures a certain zeitgeist (always wanted to use that word in a posting). This one just screams mid-'70s ... Yeah, the music drifts towards faceless dance tunes, but the John A. McKinzie cover was slick. Wish I new more about the artist.
Added: November 18, 2023
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Artist: Eddie and the Hot Rods Album Title: Teenage Depression Label: Island Catalog: ILPS 9457 Year: 1977 Genre: punk Sleeve design: Michael Beal Concept: Michael Beal Cover painting: Michael Beal Grade: * 1 star
I bought this album when it came out and while I liked the music, the cover always bothered me. Not to sound like I'm preaching, but there was always something disturbing about the packaging. I recognize that part of the punk experience was an effort to shock the staid establishment out of their dreary, middle of the road, 9-to-5 existences. Still, there are certain social norms that shouldn't be violated and I've always felt this Micheal Beal cover crossed one of those lines in the sand. Again, not to sound like a blow hard, but teenage suicide is a plague on mankind and as a parent I simply cannot begin to fathom the pain it inflicts on families that have suffered from a child lost to their own hand. Island marketing executives having allowed a band to try to score some quick sales with such a tasteless cover just seems mean-spirited and unnecessary.
Added: November 15, 2023
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Artist: Bob Dylan Album Title: Self Portrait Label: Columbia Catalog: C2X 30050 Year: 1970 Genre: rock Sleeve design: Ron Coro Concept: Ron Coro Cover painting: Bob Dylan Grade: * 1 star
I'm clearly not the biggest Bob Dylan fan you'll stumble across. I certainly admire the man's talent, but I find most of his music catalog to be challenging and his voice is what folks refer to as an acquired taste - one that I've never managed to acquire. And then you come to this 1970, double album set. I can certainly appreciate a slice of Picasso-styled modern art and you can clearly figure out what Dylan was drawing. Still, the cover of "Self Portrait" was simply funny. Yeah, Let's buy this one for the amazing cover art ...
Added: November 14, 2023
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Artist: Dreams Album Title: Dreams Label: Columbia Catalog: C 39225 Year: 1970 Genre: horn-rock Sleeve design: David Wilcox Concept: David Wilcox Cover photo: not applicable Grade: ****4 stars
So, I'll readily admit that I've read an autobiography on the Belgian Artist Rene Magritte. And that probably explains why this David Wilcox cover appeals to me. Like the best of Magritte's work, it captures surrealism at its most entertaining.
I was surprised to discover how many album covers Wilcox is responsible for - Discogs shows over 30 (though this is the best of the lot).
Added: November 12, 2023
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Artist: Rolling Stones Album Title: Metamorphosis Label: Abkco Catalog: ANA 1 Year: 1975 Genre: rock Sleeve design: Al Steckler and Richard Roth Concept: Glenn Ross Cover photo: not applicable Grade: * 1 star
Admittedly the band had nothing to do with the release of 1975's "Metamorphosis" (other than trying to stop former manager Abkco label owner Allen Klein from being released). Nevertheless, the combination of what appeared to be band mugshots (prime mid-'70s Stones may have been one of rock's most talented bands, but they certainly were not one of the most photogenic) with an array of insects, didn't make for the most attractive album cover I've ever seen. Add to that, the track line-up of outtakes and alternative versions of previously released songs wasn't particularly inspiring.
Added: November 10, 2023
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Artist: Righteous Brothers Album Title: Re-Birth Label: Verve Catalog: V6 5076 Year: 1969 Genre: rock Sleeve design: Michel Mendel Concept: not applicable Cover photo: not applicable Grade: * 1 star
Um, not sure what to say about the artwork gracing their "comeback" LP. It was certainly eye-catching, but not in a good way which may have been part of the reason the set did little commercially.
Added: November 08, 2023
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Artist: Dire Straits Album Title: Making Movies Label: Warner Brothers Catalog: BSK 3180 Year: 1980 Genre: rock Sleeve design: Neil Terk Concept: Neil Terk Cover photo: not applicable Grade: * 1 star
About all I can say about this one is zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Come to think of it, with the exception of ... well I can't think of an exception, that describes most of the songs on the album.
Added: November 07, 2023
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Artist: The Modern Jazz Quartet Album Title: Plastic Dreams Genre: jazz Company: Atlantic Catalog; SD 1589 Year: 1971 Sleeve design: Neil Terk Concept: Neil Terk Cover photo: not applicable Rating: ** 2 stars
My wife happened to see this album sitting on my desk and had a massive fit - what it that? I have to agree. Rather tasteless. The fact it came out in 1971 makes it no less tasteless ... Guess I'm kind of surprised that early 1970s
Added: November 02, 2023
retailers would have carried this one. |
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Artist: The Velvet Underground Album Title: Loaded Label: Cotillion Catalog: SD 9034 Year: 1970 Genre: rock Sleeve design: Stanislaw Zagorski Concept: Stanislaw Zagorski Cover photo: not applicable Grade: **** 4 stars
Stanislaw Zagorski was a Polish born graphic designer and illustrator living in New York City. Starting in the early 1960s he began designing album covers for various jazz albums. Not sure how he got the job for the Velvet Underground cover, but overlooking the typo "Dowtown" versus "Downtown", it's a great design. There's an online quote for the man talking about the LP: "The New York subways reminded me of a giant monster."
There's a nice article on the artist at:
Added: November 01, 2023
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Artist: The Dukes of the Straosphear Album Title: 25 O'Clock Label: Virgin Catalog: WOW 1 Year: 1985 Genre: psych Sleeve design: Andy Partridge (aka Sr John Johns) Concept: Andy Partridge (aka Sr John Johns) Cover photo: not applicable Grade: **** 4 stars
The Dukes of the Stratosphear project came about after XTC recorded 1985's "The Big Express" album. The band discovered former manager Ian Reid who had left them with a massive tax bill that almost bankrupted the group and marked the start of vive years of litigation with Reid. Desperate to make some money and not able to release additional material under the XTC nameplate, .Andy Patridge and the rest of the band recording the best '60s album ever recorded in the '80s. Add to that, the psychedelic cover art on this six track, mini-LP was equally stunning.
Added: October 30, 2023
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Album: Holly and the Italians Title: The Right To Be Italian Label: Epic / Virgin Catalog: BFE 37539 Year: 1981 Genre: pop Sleeve design: not listed Concept: not listed Cover photo: Lynn Goldsmith Grade: ****
4 stars
I'm hard pressed to explain my affection for this one - maybe something to do with the album's strange mix of '60s girl group, power-pop and new wave/punk influences? Maybe something do do with the Holly Beth Vincent in a pink prom dress cover ...
Added: October 29, 2023
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Album: The American Breed Title: The American Breed Label: Acta Catalog: A 38002 Year: 1967 Genre: pop Sleeve design: not listed Concept: not listed Cover photo: not listed Grade: * 1 star
Fifty years after this album was released and you can see how much social outlooks have changed. In this case surrounding a band with fake Indians, seemingly dyed in red, was probably a bad idea in 1967. It's certainly not a better idea in this day and age.
Added: October 27, 2023
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Album: The Temptations Title: Wish It Would Rain Label: Gordy Catalog: 927 Year: 1968 Genre: soul Sleeve design: Motown Concept: Motown Cover photo: Motown Grade: **** 4 stars
This is one that I'd meant to add from the start of this blog. The cover photo was certainly unusual for Motown which had a penchant for picturing their groups in sophisticated poses. Here, sprawled across desert sands, The Temptations looked anything but sophisticated. Unfortunately, Motown didn't believe in giving credits to photographers and design teams; this one simply credited the label. My guess is credits should go to Curtis McNair who was the talent behind so many of the Motown covers.
Added: October 26, 2023
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Album: Mott the Hoople Title: Brain Capers Label: Atlantic Catalog: BSD 8304 Year: 1971 Genre: rock Sleeve design: Bizarre Damage Concept: -- Cover photo: -- Grade: **** 4 stars
For a long time this one was on my party play list and the thing I came to recognize is that even people who found Mott the Hoople irritating would pick up the cover and look it over. Maybe it was simply the bright red cover, of the simplistic cover art. Regardless, the cover attracted a lot of attention and so did the music.
Added: October 24, 2023
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Album: Peter Ivers Title: Terminal Love Label: Warner Brothers Catalog: BS 2804 Year: 1976 Genre: new wave Sleeve design: John Cabalka - Robert Lockart Concept: John Cabalka - Robert Lockart Cover photo: Claude Mougin Grade: **** 4 stars
The late Peter Ivers is definitely an acquired taste. All but unknown today, this album made Spotify's list of the 101 strangest albums ever released. That aside, the cover art is a hoot. The photo perfectly captures the pain of love.
Added: October 24, 2023
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Album: Al Green Title: Livin' For You Label: Hi Catalog: ASHL 32082 Year: 1973 Genre: soul Sleeve design: Tom Daly Concept: Farmlett, Barsanti & Wood Inc. Cover photo: -- Grade: * 1 star
One of Al Green's classic, mid-'70s albums ... Not one bad song on the set and it's packaged in something that looks like it was drawn by a stoned high school student looking to decorate his Chevy van. You had to wonder what Green and Hi were thinking and what the album might have done commercially had it been presented in a slightly more elegant concept.
Added: October 12, 2023
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Artist: The Reds Album: The Reds Label: A&M Catalog: SP-4772 Year: 1979 Genre: new wave Sleeve design: Amy Nagasawan Concept: Amy Nagasawan Cover photo: Tom Drahas Grade: **** 4 stars
Tons of new wave albums had striking covers and crappy music. Philadelphia's The Reds debut album featured a striking cover and a decent set of new wave-ish tunes. That made for a winning combination all the way around. As for designer Nagasawan, she's responsible for dozens of album covers.
Added: October 10, 2023
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Artist: The L.A. Four Album: Going Home Label: East Wind Catalog: EW 1000 Year: 1977 Genre: jazz Sleeve design: Heyglow Kabayashi Cover photo: Taishi Hirokawa - Brad Elterman Grade: **** 4 stars
I know that in the mid and late-'70s these guys (guitarist Laurindo Almeida, bassist Ray Brown, drummer Shelly Manne and sax player Bus Shank), were quite popular in jazz circles. Judging by this album, their work is certainly relaxing, but not particularly my style. That said, the Taishi Hirokawa album cover featuring airplane contrails reflecting the setting sun was stunning. Judge for yourself ...
As for Heyglow Kabayashi, he's designed covers for close to one hundred albums; many of them on them jazz-releases on the Japanese East Wind label.
Added: October 08, 2023
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Artist: Frijid Pink Album: Frijid Pink Label: Parrot Catalog: PAS 71033 Year: 1970 Genre: rock Sleeve design: Victor Kahn Concept: Victor Kahn Cover photo: Jeff Bailey Grade: **** 4 stars
Admittedly, the cover design showing band members Tom Beaudry (aka Kelly Green), Tom Harris, Richard Stevers and Gary Lee Thompson) sitting on top of a monkey bar set wasn't all that original. What makes this one stand out are the startling, day-glo colors. The pink and black are almost retina burning, making for an album package that jumps out at you from a mile away. Kahn's probably best known for providing the photograph that graced The Rolling Stones' "Let It Bleed" album.
Added: October 04, 2023
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Artist: Nektar Album: Down To Earth Label: Passport Catalog: PPSD 98005 Year: 1974 Genre: progressive Sleeve design: Pierre Tubbs Cover photo: Bryce Attewell Grade: **** 4 stars
This was the first used LP I ever bought and the late Roye Albrighton was the first musician who ever stumbled across one of the BadCatRecords reviews I'd put out there and took the time to send me an email. He was funny and insightful and took some of my criticisms in good nature. All that aside, there's something about Bryce Attewell's cover photo that just perfectly grabbed that mid-'70s zeitgeist (always wanted to use that work in a review). Yeah, maybe there was a little bit of The Who's "Magic Bus" in the concept, but other than that, these guys just looked like a stoned German and English band.
Added: October 01, 2023
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Artist: Savoy Brown Album: Lion's Share Label: Parrot Catalog: XPAS 71057 Year: 1972 Genre: blues-rock Sleeve design: Glenn Ross for Queens Litho Cover art: Peter Cross Grade: **** 4stars
Okay, I know it was released in the early-'70s, but this one just screams '60s British style to my eyes.
Cross has done a lot of Anthony Phillips' album covers. He has a web presence at:
Added: September 30, 2023
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Artist: The Doobie Brothers Album: Best of the Doobie Brothers Label: Warner Brothers Catalog: BSK 3112 Year: 1976 Genre: rock Sleeve design: Bruce Steinberg Cover photo: Bruce Steinberg Grade: ***** 5 stars
Wow, I wonder how much time I spent listening to the Doobies while I was in high school and college. I can clearly remember running cross country practices with them playing on my little portable cassette player. Anyhow, combine a classic FM band's "best of" album with the late Bruce Steinberg's cover that combines my affection for diners and jukeboxes ... It doesn't get much better in my narrow worldview.
Here's a link to a site dedicated to Steinberg's work: BRUCE STEINBERG GALLERY - Classic Images of Tower of Power and the Bay Area Music Scene
Added: September 28, 2023
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Artist: Enoch Light Album: Presents Spaced Out Label: Project 3 Catalog: PR 5043SD Year: 1969 Genre: pop Sleeve design: not listed Cover photo: not listed Grade: **** 4 stars
Classic time piece. Project 3's marketing department seems to have splurged on this cover concept. What's a roll of tin foil cost? $2.00? Showcasing a cute red head cloaked in tin foil bikini and go-go boots, No credits for artwork, or design concept, but there's a ton of information on the instrumentation. I'm not sure anything else needs to be said about this cover.
In case anyone is interested, the album can be heard on YouTube:
Added: September 20, 2023
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Artist: Bobby Womack Album: Pieces Label: Columbia Catalog: JC 35083 Year: 1978 Genre: soul Sleeve design: Lanning Stern - Nancy Donald Cover photo: Sam Emerson Grade: * 1 star
Great album including duets with David Ruffin ('Trust Your Heart') and Candi Staton ('Stop Before We Start'), but the cover ... Seriously bad.
Added: September 18, 2023
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Artist: John Entwistle Album: Smash Your Head Against the Wall Label: Decca Catalog: DL 79183 Year: 1971 Genre: rock Sleeve design: Graham Hughes and John Entwistle Cover photo: Graham Hughes Grade: * 1 star
The late John Enwistle was known for his dark, dry sense of humor so I'm guessing the cover photo was meant to be funny. That said, the combination of Entwistle wearing death mask superimposed over an x-ray supposedly taken from a dying man was simply gory and ghastly.
Added: September 17, 2023
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Artist: The Electric Prunes Album: Release of An Oath Label: Reprise Catalog: RS 6318 Year: 1969 Genre: progressive Sleeve design: Ed Thrasher Cover Photo: Sid Avery Grade: **** 4 stars
Yeah, it was credited to The Electric Prunes, but for all intents and purposes this was a David Axelrod release. And it's a fascinating album. The album's secular nature means it won't appeal to everyone and the Sid Avery cover photo is going to have the same effect. Interestingly it took me years to figure out the hands were open in praise.
Added: September 16, 2023
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Artist: White Noise Album: An Electric Storm Label: Island Catalog: ILPS-9099 Year: 1969 Genre: progressive Sleeve design: not listed Cover art: not listed Grade: **** 4 stars
Cool cover for a completely strange album. I won't go into the details - there are plenty of on-line reviews, including the BadCatRecords overview at: The cover was based of a silkscreen by some forgotten art student. The group originally intended for the cover to be luminous, but based on cost, Island Records killed the concept.
Added: September 10, 2023
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Artist: Alan Hull Album: Pipedream Label: Elektra Catalog: EKS 75075 Year: 1974 Genre: folk-rock Sleeve design: Ian Vincenti Cover art: Rene.Magritte Grade: **** 4 stars
Seriously ? What more is there to say about this one other than the cover is by Belgian artist Rene Magritte ? The original painting is entitled "La Lampe Philosophique".
Added: September 08, 2023
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Artist: Phil Ochs Album: Rehearsals for Retirement Label: A&M Catalog: SP 4181 Year: 1969 Genre: folk-rock Cover photo: Tom Wilkes Art Direction: Tom Wilkes Grade: ** 2 stars
I'm no Phil Ochs scholar (they do exist), but based on what I know about the man, he had a difficult life. He was certainly a talented singer/songwriter, but never seemed able to get out of Dylan's creative shadow. By the time he was in his 30s Ochs personal life was a disaster, for a brief period he lived in the streets. Depression and mental issues plagued him (he was diagnosed as suffering from bipolar disorder). Drugs and acute alcoholism certainly didn't help his cause. Only 36, Ochs hung himself in 1976.
Against that backdrop, there's something quite disturbing about this 1969 release with a cover showing Ochs' tombstone with the inscription: Phll Ochs (American) Born: El Paso, Texas Died: Chicago, Illinois 1968
Added: September 05, 2023
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Artist: We All Together Album: Volumen II Label: MaG Catalog: LP 2454 Year: 1974 Genre: rock Cover photo: Manuel Guerrero Art Direction: not listed Grade: **** 4 stars
No idea where Manuel Guerrero took the photo (Peru would obviously be a good guess), but the setting was stunning.
Added: September 04, 2023
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Artist: Manfred Mann Album: The Mighty Quinn Label: Mercury Catalog: SR 61168 Year: 1968 Genre: rock Cover Art: Victor Moscoso Art Direction: not listed Grade: **** 4 stars
Victor Moscoso's better known for his underground comics and psychedelic concert posters than his record covers. Yes, he's responsible for scores of other covers, but to my mind, this is one of his most stunning achievements. The theme; the colors; it's all captivating.
Moscoso has a fascinating website at: Victor Moscoso >> Master of Psychedelic Art & Comix
Added: September 01, 2023
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Artist: Dee Dee Bridgewater Album: Just Family Label: Elektra Catalog: 6E-119 Year: 1978 Genre: soul Cover Photo: not listed Art Direction: not listed Grade: **** 4 stars
I've purposely avoided including cheesecake covers in this list. There's nothing wrong with your standard metal band cover with a scantly clad woman sprawled on a hot rod, or straddling a guitar, etc. There are literally thousands of such covers out there. They're so common, they just don't rise above the noise. IN contrast the cover to Dee Dee Bridgewater's "Just Family" is something totally different. Showing the silhouette of a very pregnant Bridgewater (with her second child), the cover certainly didn't leave a great deal to the imagination, but with the sun beaming down on her against the backdrop of a bright blue sky and an endless expanse of barren salt lake, it was striking.
Added: August 30, 2023
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Artist: Sparks Album: Angst In My Pants Label: Atlantic Catalog: SD 19347 Year: 1983 Genre: rock Cover Photo: Eric Blum Art Direction: Lary Vigon Grade: * 1 star
My relationship with Sparks is difficult. Across their expansive recording career they shown themselves to be highly creative and quirky at levels few can match. I also frequently find them to be irritating. ANd in the album art category they're a target rich act.
Where to start ?with "Angst I My Pants"? The photo of Ron Mael in a wedding dress (standing next to brother Russ Mael), is just wrong on so many levels. Yeah, the album may be one of their best '80s pieces, but that cover photo ... My, my, my it still creeps me out
Added: August 28, 2023
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Artist: Eric Mercury Album: Funky Sounds Nurtured In the Fertile Soil of Memphis That Smell of Rock Label: Enterprise Catalog: ENS 1020 Year: 1972 Genre: soul Cover Art: Ed Hocum Art Direction: The Graffiteria/David Kreiger Grade: * 1 star
Interesting - the second Stax cover in a row. Starts to make me realize there are way more "bad" covers than good ones.
So here's what I had to say about the art work in my comments on the album: Well, without ever hearing a note, I can tell you this album deserves notoriety for at least two things: The Ed Hocum cover painting guaranteed minimal sales If the cover didn't put you off the album, then the cumbersome title was likely to finish off any desire to buy the LP. It was certainly an interesting title for a guy born and nurtured in Toronto, Canada.
Added: August 26, 2023
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Artist: Louis Paul Album: Reflections On the Way It Really Is Label: Enterprise Catalog: ENS 1014 Year: 1973 Genre: blue-eyed soul Cover Photo: -- Art Direction: -- Grade: * 1 star
Who thought it was be a good idea to dress up the late Louis Paul as a clown? This had to be a bad idea even back in 1973 !!!
Added: August 25, 2023
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Artist: Gas Mask Album: Their First Album Label: Tonsil Catalog: T 4001 Year: 1970 Genre: horn-rock Cover Photo: Carl Fischer Art Direction: George Lois Grade: * 1 star
Funny, I didn't even realize this was the second gas mask themed album I'd added to the list. Wonder what the underlying meaning is ... Perhaps it stems from the fact that as a teenager I met an older uncle who had been a Doughboy during World War I. He'd been gassed during the fighting at Belleau Woods and as an old man was still suffering the impact ... Regardless, this was one butt ugly cover.
Added: August 22, 2023
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Artist: Family Album: Best of Family Label: Reprise Catalog: K54023 Year: 1974 Genre: hard-rock Cover Painting: Byron Harvey Art Direction: not listed Grade: **** 4 stars
Not to stereotype a country, but iff you're English, soccer isn't just a sport, rather it's almost a religion. No idea if Roger Chapman and the rest of the band were major soccer fans, but given their working class roots, it makes sense. Anyhow the Byron Harvey album cover was cute and the compilation featured most of the band's hits. Oh, yeah, they didn't have any in the States, which is why this is a British release. = )
Added: August 20, 2023
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Artist: Humble Pie Album: Street Rats Label: A&M Catalog: SP 4514 Year: 1975 Genre: hard-rock Cover Design: Michael Ross Art Direction: Fabio Nicoli Grade: ** 2 stars
Seriously. Street rats (for goodness sakes, any sort of rats), are not a good idea for an album cover ...
Added: August 18, 2023
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Artist: The Move Album: The Best of the Move Label: A&M Catalog: SP 3625 Year: 1974 Genre: pop Cover Design: Roland Young Photo: not applicable Grade: **** 4 stars
Easy explanation for this one - I'm a big Roy Lichtenstein fan and the "cartoon-ish" styled cover art reminds me of his style. By the way, this double album set is one of the all time best compilations ever released.
Added: August 16, 2023
Artist: Perth County Conspiracy Album: Breakout To Berlin Label: Rumour Catalog: KC 1015 Year: 1977 Designer: Abie Sussman and Bob Defrin Photographer: not applicable Design artist: Noel Grade: *** 3 stars
I'm at somewhat of a loss to explain why I like this one - the bright color; the Brandenburg Gate cover? The weird story behind the album - hippy Canadian band records an album in East Germany ...
Added: August 10, 2023
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Artist: Dennis Coffey Album: Back Home Label: Westbound Catalog: WB 300 Year: 1977 Designer: Abie Sussman and Bob Defrin Photographer: not applicable Design artist: Bruce Evans Grade: * 1 star (miserable)
Hum, I guess you could blame the artistic concept on the era - after all it was the mid-1970s when smoking was still considered to be a normal social activity ... how many of you can remember ashtrays on restaurant tables? Does't matter - it's still a hideous album cover. Simply awful. Makes me want to go rinse with mouthwash.
Added: August 07, 2023
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Artist: Bamboo Album: Bamboo Label: Elektra Catalog: EKS-74048 Year: 1969 Photographer: Robert Heimall Design artist: William S. Harvey Grade: ** 2 stars
I shouldn't point a finger at anyone since there are some hideous photos of earlier style mistakes I've made - stay away from my high school yearbook unless you want to see the plaid prom suit ... Regardless, you have to admit that Dave Ray and Will Donicht may have set the standard with their '60s hippy threads !!! Way cool there guys and I bet the grandkids are impressed as all. About the only things missing are the love beads and a Nehru jacket. Besides, I think in this case you have to blame Elektra's then Vice President for Creative Services for the ill-advised concept. And looking it his catalog, there are lots of artistic crimes in his extended resume.
Added: August 05, 2023
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Artist: Bruce Springsteen Album: Greetings from Ashbury Park Label: Columbia Catalog: KC 31903 Year: 1975 Designer: John Berg Photographer: Tichnor Brothers Design artist: not applicable Grade: **** 4stars
This is actually the second Springsteen album I ever bought and I'll admit it;s not my favorite. It's grown on me over the years, but still isn't in my top-5 list. That said, the packaging is great. I love the beach; been going there since I was a young child (Alabama and Delaware rather than the Jersey shore), which might partially explain why I think this is such a cool cover. The tacky, detachable, oversized beach postcard is just a classic.
Added August 01, 2023
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Artist: Les Sinners Album: Le Chemin de Croix de Jos Roy Label: CBS Catalog: PFS 90383 Year: 1976 Designer: Daniel Poulin Photographer: Daniel Poulin Design artist: not applicable Grade: * 1 star (disturbing)
I'm a big fan of the Canadian band Les Sinners, but have to admit this 1976 release was a surprise to me. I found it at a yard sale and originally wasn't even sure it was by the same band. The strange title which seemingly translates as "The Way of the Cross for Jos Roy", coupled with bizarre, semi-religious artwork (a hand seemingly rising from the grave), didn't exactly make for an inviting package. I'll let you be the judge. By the way, anyone out there know what the plotline was on the album ? The lyrics are in French and I've never been able to find a review that explains the story line.
Added: August 01, 2023
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Artist: Delbert McClinton Album: Genuine Cowhide Label: ABC Catalog: ABCD-959 Year: 1976 Designer: Tom Wilkes Photographer: Ron Slenzak Design artist: not applicable Grade: **** 4 stars
Unfortunately, this is one of those covers that doesn't lend itself to a flat screen presentation. To get the full effect you need to hold the embossed cover in your hand. And yes, the cover reflects a worn wallet with an equally worn condom showing through. Original copies of the LP were embossed so that the condom was even more obvious. You had to wonder how in the world ABC executives were ever convinced to go along with this one ...
Added: July 31, 2023
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Artist: Traffic Album: On the Road Label: Island Catalog: SW 9336 Year: 1973 Designer: Ann Borthwick Artist: Ann Borthwick Photographer: not applicable Grade: ***** 5 stars
I'm not entirely sure why, but Traffic's "On the Road" was one of the first album covers to make a major impact on me. It may have something to do with the fact I was 14 when the album was released and just beginning to grasp just how big and diverse the rock and roll universe was (a concept I'm still working on forty years later). It might also be due to the fact one of my older neighborhood friends had a copy of the album, so I was familiar with it.
The album itself isn't all that great - original a single live album set, then expanded to a double, set that takes some of Traffic's duller compositions and stretches them out to almost mind-numbing lengths. Does anyone really need a 15:10 version of 'The Low Spark of High Heeled Boys'? How about a 10:45 versuib if Jim Capaldi's 'Light Up Or Leave Me Alone'? I like the songs, but seriously, these live versions just went on and on and on ...
As mentioned, the cover art has a distinctive '70s feel - very linear; all sharp angles and bright primary colors showing a collage of a seemingly empty and endless freeway. Its easy to picture this adorning some Krautrock jazz-rock fusion album.
All of those criticisms aside, the album boasted Ann Borthwick's uber-'70s artwork. Nothing more than speculation on my part, but I'm guessing Borthwick's modernist images of a freeway were a nod to the fact the album had been recorded during a 1972 German tour. Common sense tells you Stevie Winwood and company probably spent more than their share of time on a bus traveling the German autobahns, so the album image may have had some resonance with the band.
And what about artist Borthwick? Well, in spite of having spent hours trying to find out something about the artist, but she remains a complete mystery to me. I've checked Traffic related websites, art oriented websites, etc. I literally have not been able to find a single reference to her. Perhaps that wasn't her real name? I'm sure someone out there as the story ... drop me a line.
Added: 30 July, 2023
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Artist: Spooner Oldham Album: Pot Luck Label: Family Catalog: FPS 2703 Year: 1972 Designer: not listed Photographer: not listed Artist: not listed Grade: * 1 star (disturbing)
Wow, not sure what to say about this one, other than the cover photo on Spooner Oldham's "Pot Luck" has to be one of the most arresting, yet disturbing covers in my 35,000 LP collection. In case you can't tell what the images is - you're looking at a pair of chicken feet sticking out of a big cooking pot set on top of a stove.
Perhaps understandably, there are no art, or photo credits on the liner notes, but then I'm not sure anyone in their right mind would have wanted their name associated with the cover ...
Added: July 20, 2023
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Artist: Curtis Mayfield Album: Back To the World Label: Curtom Catalog: CRS 8015 Year: 1973 Designer: Glen Christensen Artist: Gary Wolhowitz Photographer: unknown Grade: **** 4 stars
I've been a big
Curtis Mayfield fan since I was a child and probably would have bought
1973's "Back To the World" simply for the stunning
Gary Wolhowitz silk screen cover. (The fact it's a classic Mayfield
I'd love to know how the Mayfield-Wolhowitz collaboration came to be ...
Added July 15, 2023
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Artist: Curtis Mayfield Album: And Here's Something To Believe In Label: RSO Catalog: RS-1-3077 Year: 1980 Designer: Glenn Ross Photographer: not applicable Design artist: Ernie Barnes Grade: **** 4 stars
1980's "And
Here's Something To Believe In" is one of those Curtis Mayfield
albums that seems to
Added: July 10, 2023
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Artist: The Rolling Stones Album: Their Satanic Majesties Request Label: London Catalog: NPS-2 Year: 1967 Designer: Michael Cooper Photographer: Michael Cooper Design artist: not applicable Grade: ***** 5 stars (classic)
I'm a big Stones fan, but will readily admit that the packaging for "Their Satanic Majesties Request" beats most of the songs.
There's apparently an entire cottage industry built around this album - with a little bit of effort you can find more about it that you ever wanted to know.
Initially entitled "Cosmic Christmas", The Stones played around with a cover concept that would have shown a naked Mick Jagger splayed on a cross. I'm thinking that might not have been the way to go. Michael Cooper was responsible for the concept and took the famous photograph which was produced with a cool, holographic effect. The Stones apparently envisioned releasing the album with a holographic cover for the entire front panel, but the costs proved prohibitive and they settled for a smaller 8" x 8" panel that was glued on to the front panel. Even the reduced size 3D panel proved expensive (Decca and London reportedly lost money pressing the gimmick cover) and later releases dropped the 3-D cover in favor of a conventional photograph.
The resulting 'concept' seems to have just sort of evolved out of an existing vacuum with nobody really in charge. Keith Richards talked a bit about the cover in 2003: "I can remember virtually nothing of those sessions. It's a total blank. We were pretty much the way we look on the cover! The thing I remember most about making [the album] is that cover. We went to New York with Michael Cooper and met a Japanese guy who had a camera that could produce a 3-D effect. We built the set on acid, went all round New York getting the flowers and the rest of the props; we were painting it, spraying it. We were just loony, and after the Beatles had done Sgt. Pepper, it was like, Let's get even more ridiculous." And on that note, they succeeded. Whereas the Sgt. Pepper looked groundbreaking, "Satanic Majesties" looked imitative, or perhaps just plain silly.
Dressed up in goody costumes and looking quite stoned, when the image was tilted Watts, Richards, Wyman and Jones appeared to swivel their heads as if they were looking at one another, while Jagger's hands appeared to cross. Elsewhere, supposedly a response to The Beatles having included a nod to The Stones on "Sgt Pepper" (look for the doll that says "welcome the Rolling Stones", the cover included embedded pictures of the Fab Four. It takes a little effort, but if you tilt the panel in the right direction you can find them: - McCartney is found on the left side, about two inches under the sunflowers. - Harrison can be found on Charlie Watts sleeve. - Lennon's the hardest to see - he's slightly below and to the right of the yellow star trails on Brian Jones' clothing - Ringo's about an inch to the right of the yellow star on Jones' clothing.
Added: July 04, 2023
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Artist: The Buffalo Springfield Album: The Last Time Around Label: ATCO Catalog: SD 33-256 Year: 1968 Designer: Jimini Productions Photographer: not listed Design artist: not applicable Grade: **** 5 stars
As I was reminded by a friend, group cover shots are a dime-a-dozen. As an example, the band Afterglow released an album a full year before this one that featured a group cover shot. (I'll have to add that one to the list). Regardless, while it may not be the first, this one's a true classic, if for no other reason than the sight of a young Neil Young already showing his rebellious nature. While the rest of the band's looking forward, a slightly disinterested Young is shown looking over his shoulder.
Added: July 01, 2023
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Artist: John Keating Album: Space Experience Label: Columbia Catalog: CQ 32382 Year: 1972 Designer: not listed Photographer: not listed Artist: not listed Grade: *** 3 stars
Musically this album is a good example of uber-lounge; John Keating using a Electronic Music Studi. VCS3 synthesizer to stomp through a mixture of then-popular hits and his own atmospheric compositions. The album is certainly listenable; you can see a review at:, but the album cover showcasing an uncredited NASA photo, is simply spectacular.
Anyone know which space flight it captured and who the astronaut was ?
Added: June 30, 2023
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Artist: Juicy Lucy Album: Juicy Lucy Label: ATCO Catalog: SD 33-325 Year: 1969 Designer: Peter Smith Photographer: Peter Smith Design artist: not applicable Grade: *** 3 stars
Ah, let's talk about the infamous cover on Juicy Lucy's self titled album ... The original UK cover featured a somewhat haggard looking exotic dance by the name of Zelda Plum artlessly spread out on a bed of fruit. The funny thing is that what was seemingly intended as an erotic cover came off as anything but ...
Clearly concerned about American consumer sensibilities (we Americans still subscribe to those Puritan ethics), ATCO management elected to give the album's US release a toned down cover. Basically photo shopping additional fruit on Plum's body so that all that was left was her head, the US cover was certainly racy for the late-1960s, though nowhere near as attention drawing as the UK version.
Personally I've always felt bad for the fruit. Seemed like a massive waste of good produce. Really about all you can say is shame on the band for exhibiting such poor tastes and hopefully Ms. Plum went on to more rewarding experiences.
Added: June 25, 2023
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Artist: Tranquility Album: Silver Label: Epic Catalog: KE31 989 Year: 1973 Designer: Teresa Alfieri Photographer: not applicable Design artist: Bob Schulenberg Grade: **** 4 stars
I'm a big art nouveau fan which readily explains why I was so attracted to Bob Schulenberg's wonderful Alphonse Muncha inspired cover illustration. Actually, I'm guessing Schulenberg was inspired by the famous Czech-born poster artist.
As for Schulenberg's connection with the band; the only thing I've been able to track down is a brief October 2009 entry on a Tranquility-related website from Schulenberg himself: "I painted the album cover; it's nice to see this group appreciated after so many years!"
Added: June 24, 2023
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Artist: NRBQ Album: RC Cola and a Moon Pie Label: Red Rooster Catalog: 3090-1 Year: 1986 Designer: Scott Billington Photographer: Mike Saporito Design artist: not applicable Grade: **** 4 stars
Mike Saporito's cover photo isn't a partcularly high minded, or complex concept - basically nothing more than a 12 ounce bottle of Royal Crown Cola and Moon Pie, but I have a deep fondness for the cover. I'm guessing it has something to do with my Southern heritage (born and partially raised in Fairhope, Alabama), or perhaps the fact I'm old enough to have clear memories of indulging in RC and a Moon Pie lunches. Life seemed to much simpler in those days ...
Singer/keyboardist Terry Adams was apparently the band's RC fan (I'm guessing Moon Pies were also part of this upbringing).
Added: June 20, 2023
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Artist: Savoy Brown Album: Raw Sienna Label: Parrot Catalog: PAS 71036 Year: 1969 Designer: Ignatz Artist: Ignatz Photographer not applicable Grade: *** 3 stars
Yeah, this one is definitely an acquired taste. The colors are muted; the concept is simplistic; almost childish ... But there's something very appealing about the cover to Savoy Brown's "Raw Sienna". Credited to the artist Ignatz (he's a complete mystery to me), the work's puffy, pseudo-psychedelic feel has always reminded me a bit of the work of Peter Max.
Well, I like it and that's good enough to get it on my list.
Added: June 18, 2023
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Artist: Robert Wortherspoon Album: Music To Massage Your Mate By Label: ALA Catalog: ALA004 Year: 1976 Art Designer: Robert Wortherspoon Photographer: Robert Wortherspoon Grade: **** 4 stars
So this is one of those covers that is so bad, it's actually good. My wife gets credit for bringing this one to my attention. This one gets high marks for the creepiness factor - the guy just looks like a child molester. Released by the Los Angeles-based ALA label, the record was marketed as an instructional item, complete with a detailed and rather explicit instructional manual insert ... The music was credited to Deny McReynolds and Rue Barclay (hopefully that wasn't them on the cover). Geez, it's enough to make you think about looking into becoming celibate.
Added: June 10, 2023
Artist: Stealers Wheel Album: Stealers Wheel Label: A&M Catalog: SP 4377 Year: 1973 Art Designer: Patrick Byrne Photography: not applicable Grade: **** 4 stars
I've always found the late Scottish painter John Patrick Bryne's primitive paintings fascinating. I'm apparently not the only person to feel that way. He's created work for The Beatles (who contemplated putting one of his works on the cover of what became "The White Album"), Donovan, The Humblebums, a slew of Gerry Rafferty LPs, and a couple of Stealers Wheels collections. Anyhow, rather than reinvent the wheel, courtesy of the Vinyl Revolution Blog, here's a link to a short, sweet, and informative overview of Byrne's career:
Added: June 07, 2023
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Artist: Davy and the Badmen Album: Wanted! Label: Gothic Catalog: WA 063-64 Year: 1963 Art Designer: unknown Photography: unknown Grade: * 1 star
My then ten year old saw this one and said he could design a better cover. I believe him.
Added: June 01, 2023
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Artist: Richard Alexander Album: Jesus Is My Battleship Label: Alex Catalog: RA 101 A/B Year: 19?? Art Designer: unknown Photography: unknown Grade: ***** 5 stars
There's a whole published cottage industry that focuses on obscure religious and weird album covers. This one would easily fit in that niche. There's just something fascinating about a Gospel/soul album featuring a cover that reflects one of the most efficient killing machines known to mankind. I'm sure Alexander was trying to underscore the strength of his belief. I certainly can't criticize that. On the other hand I'm not sure how Jesus would feel having his name slapped on the side of an American battleship, though I suspect he wouldn't see it as an honor.
Added: May 28, 2023
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Artist: Outsiders Album: Outsiders Label: Relax Catalog: 30.007 Year: 1967 Art Designer: unknown Photography: unknown Grade: **** 4 stars
C'mon, you've got to admit this was a pretty cool idea ... let's put the band in a large wooden crate and hang them from a massive crane over an Amsterdam harbor loading pier. Oh, tell the band to look like they're having a good time, or we'll drop their sorry butts into the water. By the way, Wally Tax and the band delivery a classic '60s R&B and beat band album. Not sure that the Dutch version of the Occupational Safety and Health Agency would approve a concept like this today.
Added: May 24, 2023
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Artist: Focus Album: Dutch Masters Label: Sire Catalog: SSAD 7505 Year: 1975 Art Designer: Fred Marcellino Painting: David Byrd Artists Associates Grade: **** 4 stars
I'm old enough that I can remember cigarette and cigar advertisements being run on television (geez that seems so long ago). Anyhow, this 1975 Focus "greatest hits" package had a hysterical cover concept based on an old Dutch Masters cigar boxes. Maybe it's a reflection of my age, but I thought it was funny (and no, I don't smoke cigars, or cigarettes).
Added May 20, 2023
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