Genre: rock
Rating: **
(2 stars)
Title: Rain
& Shine
Company: B.T.
Catalog: BTPS
Year: 1969
Country/State: USA
(cover/record): NM/NM
Comments: still
in shrink wrap; exceptionally nice for age
Available: SOLD
catalog ID: SOLD
Price: SOLD Cost:
Here's one of
those acts you occasionally see listed in collector discographies, but is
seldom (if ever), actually seen. In twenty years of collecting, we've only
seen two copies of the LP and this one is by far in the best shape.
Unfortunately, we can't tell you much about the band. Apparently a quartet
(we base that guess on the back cover photo), the group were signed by The
Tokens' short-lived B.T. Puppy label. We also know their 1969 album "Rain
& Shine" was produced by The Tokens. Musically the
set's kind of hard to describe. Imagine The Association singing with a
distinctive British lilt and you'll be in the right ballpark - that's
actually an interesting comparison since these guys don't appear to have
been English. The Association comparison isn't bad either given much of the
set consists of sensitive ballads. While there isn't anything wrong with
material such as "First Spring Rain", "Sunny Days" and
"Why Does Everybody Run To Home", these tracks don't offer up
anything particularly original or memorable. Far better were up tempo
numbers such as "Sharin" and "Angelina" (both which
would have made dandy top-10 singles), the fuzz guitar propelled "Super
Duper Trooper" and the Sgt. Pepper-inspired slice of lite psych
"Mr. Snail". Certainly not the year's most original effort, it was
still far better than anything label mates The Tokens or The Happenings ever
did ... You certainly won't be surprised to learn the set literally vanished
without a trace (BT Puppy certainly doesn't seem to have printed many
copies); followed in quick succession by the band. As for the
price; consider this to be a true collector's piece ...
"Rain & Shine" track listing:
1.) First Spring Rain (Gemelle) - 3:00
2.) Sunny Days (Gemelle) - 2:23
3.) Sharin (Friedland) - 2:32
4.) Why Does Everybody Run To Home (Infanzon - Gemelle - Infanzon) - 2:28
5.) Girl of the Skies (instrumental) (Margo - Margo - Hank Medress - Siegel)
- 2:36
6.) Super Duper Trooper (Infanzon - Infanzon) -
7.) You're the Only Good for Me (Friedland) - 242
8.) Mr. Snail (Margo - Margo - Hank Medress - Siegel) - 2:21
9.) Poor Man (Margo - Margo - Hank Medress - Siegel) - 1:50
10.) The Son of a Preacherman (instrumental) (Hurley - WIlkins) - 2:10
11.) Angelina (Gemelle) - 2:27