Mike Corbett and Jay Hirsh with Hugh McCrackin
Band members Related acts
line-up 1 (1971) - Mike Corbett -- flute, drums, percussion, backing vocals - Jay Hirsh -- guitar, keyboards, accordion - Hugh McCrackin (RIP 2013) --- guitar, sitar, bass
supporting musicians: (1971) - Russell George -- fiddle - Paul Griffin -- keyboards - Al Rogers -- drums - John Siomos -- drums - Christie Thompson -- keyboards - Leo Warbington -- horns - Eric Weisberg -- pedal steel guitar
- Chuck Bene and the Mice (Hugh McCrackin) - The Fourth Dimension (Mike Corbett and Jay Hirsh) - Mr. Flood's Party (Mike Corbett and Jay Hirsh) - Genuine John (Hugh McCrackin) - Mike Mainieri & Friends (Hugh McCrackin) - Hugh McCrackin with the Funatics (Hugh McCrackin) - The Leon Thomas Band (Hugh McCrackin) - White Elephant (Hugh McCrackin) - The Writers (Hugh McCrackin)
Genre: rock Rating: **** (4 stars) Title: Mike Corbett & Jay Hirsh with Hugh McCrackin Company: ATCO Catalog: SD 33-361 Year: 1971 Country/State: US Grade (cover/record): VG+/VG+ Comments: gatefold sleeve Available: 1 Catalog ID: 4835 Price: $30.00
Here's another example of the old adage about judging a book by its cover ... I found this one at a yard sale, but was so put off by the Hirsh-drawn cover (is it a turkey?) that I put it back. I eventually went back to get it. Thank goodness it was still there.
Corbett and Jay Hirsh had previously been members of New York's The Fourth
Dimension (a mid-'60s trio including guitarist Freddy Toscano). The
Fourth Dimension morphed into the band Mr.
Flood's Party which recorded an interesting 1969 psych-influenced album for
Cotillion Records ("Mr. Flood's Party" ATCO catalog
number SD-9003). After the band colla
Needless to say the LP did little commercially; Hirsh's turkey buzzard (?) cover certainly didn't help sales.
Corbett & Jay Hirsh with Hugh McCrackin" track listing: 1.) Gypsy Child (Jay Hirsh) - 2:58 rating: **** stars Opening up with Russell George's country fiddle, 'Gypsy Child' sounded like it was going to be a routine country number, but suddenly exploded into a very likeable country-rocker with a nice chorus and some fantastic CSN&Y harmonies. I've even grown to like the fiddle arrangement on this one !!! Nice choice as a single:
-1971's 'Gypsy Child' b/w 'Butterfly Day' (ATCO catalog number 45-6826)
2.) Uncut Diamonds (Jay Hirsh) - 3:14 rating: **** stars If you're a CSN&Y fan then you'll instantly recognize the David Crosby influences on 'Uncut Diamonds'. Like the best of Crosby's work (think along the lines of 'Lady Guinevere'), this one had an unconventional song structure that was somehow still quite commercial and perhaps even more intriguing because it was so bizarre. In addition to the beautiful acoustic guitars, McCrackin added the faux-sitar. Stunning vocal harmonies from the pair certainly didn't hurt ... (Ironic that I'm listening to this the day after Crosby passed on.) 3.) Fly with Me (Jay Hirsh) - 5:30 rating: *** stars The first part of 'Fly with Me' found the pair dipping their collective toes into Poco-styled country-rock. Their voices blended perfectly. And as much as I like Poco, about half way through the song took on a nice rock orientation with McCracken providing fantastic lead guitar and the best part of the song ... 4.) Seashore (Jay Hirsh) - 2:19 rating: *** stars 'Seashore' was a pretty acoustic ballad that once again served to underscore the pair's wonderful harmony vocals. Very reminiscent of Crosby and Nash's work as a duet. 5.) Agatha's Raven (Mike Corbett - Jay Hirsh) - 2:14 rating: **** stars Propelled by some raunchy McCracken guitar, 'Agatha's Raven' found the group taking a stab at a tougher rock sound - imagine a really good Stephen Stills tune with Neil Young pounding away on guitar. Simply one of the best songs on the album, this one made you wonder why they didn't record more stuff in this vein. My only complaint on this one was that it faded out way too early. 6.) Goodnight My Lady (Jay Hirsh) - 2:49 rating: *** stars Another pretty acoustic ballad, 'Goodnight My Lady' showcased their patented harmony vocals and an unexpected series of horn solos, but failed to measure up to the rest of the album.
2) Yeah, the lyrics were a bit on the hippy-dippy side, but 'The Mighty Emerald' had an insidiously catchy folk-rock melody complete with little kid chorus and McCrackin on what sounded like a Coral electric sitar ... 2.) Annie's a Wizard (Jay Hirsh) - 1:25 rating: **** stars I've got a weak spot for acoustic slide guitar (a talent I dearly wish I had), so the bluesy 'Annie's a Wizard' instantly struck a chord with me. 3.) Baltimore Ladies (Jay Hirsh) - 3:17 rating: *** stars Well, that probably wasn't one of the tourist attractions city officials would promote. 'Baltimore Ladies' served as an example of first-rate country-rock with an Americana lyric that would have made Paul Cotton and Rusty Young proud. 4.) Sweet Virginia (Jay Hirsh) - 4:15 rating: **** stars 'Sweet Virginia' was one of the album's hidden treasures. Initially I thought it was a forgettable country-tinged effort; somehow managing to overlook McCracken's dazzling electric slide guitar. That performance alone made the song worth hearing ... 5.) Butterfly Day (Jay Hirsh) - 1:23 rating: ** stars A stark, acoustic ballad, 'Butterfly Day' was one of the few outright disappointments. The song wasn't bad, rather simply kind of dull. 6.) Broken Sky (Mike Corbett - Jay Hirsh) - 2:53 rating: **** stars Opening up sounding like a sea chantey, I'm not sure I can accurately describe the appeal of 'Broken Sky.' To my ears it had the same unique vibe that made so many Paul McCartney songs classic. Mind you, I'm not saying this sounds anything like McCartney (it doesn't - in fact it has kind of a Band vibe), but Corbett and Hirsh's amazing vocals, coupled with a nifty melody gave this one that special sound. Credited to "Mike and Jay" the track was released as a promotional single:
- 1971's 'Broken Sky' (mono) b/w 'Broken Sky' (stereo) (ATCO catalog number 45-6835)
7.) Swan Song (Jay Hirsh) - 3:31 rating: ** stars Given the number of great songs on this album, it was unfortunate 'Swan Song' ended the set on a flat note - in this case a plodding singer/songwriter ballad that was simply too sensitive and fey for it's own good.
© Scott R. Blackerby October, 2024
Postscript: Every now and then I get an email about a review. Typically it'll be an artist, or a fan who is pissed at a review. At least two times I've been threatened with lawsuits. Once a then-in-his-'70s singer/songwriter threatened to kick my ass. And occasionally I'll get an email that just makes me smile:
Loved, loved, loved the Corbett and Hirsh album. One of my college girlfriends gave me the album to soften the blow of dumping me, since she didn’t like it anyway and was very turned off by the cover(!). I listened to it over and over throughout my college days (1970-1974), especially while I painted (I was an art major) and as a songwriter, “borrowed” some of their licks and even “expanded” on some of their concepts. Then, several years later, as art director of Record World magazine, I constantly was on the lookout for a follow-up from them, so I could put in a good word with our chart people.
Unfortunately, every week there were a dozen or two albums that came into our office that never got a chance or a listen…they went straight into the RW “rejection closet.” Some of those albums were also incredible. Most of them, in fact, much better than me as a singer/songwriter. Consequently I kept that in mind when I got a label offer, and opted to remain RW art director. Besides, I enjoyed drawing the cartoons for the magazine (https://rwcartoons.com). As for Corbett and Hirsh, I still have the vinyl (along with the thousand others I collected at RW) and have also committed it to CD.
Thanks for remembering. David Ray Skinner October, 2024