Marvin Gaye and Tammi Terrell
Band members Related acts
line up 1 (1967-70) - Marvin Gaye (RIP 1982) -- vocals, drums - Tammi Terrell I (aka Thomasina Winifred Montgomery) (RIP 1970) -- vocals
- Marvin Gaye (solo efforts) - The Marquees (Marvin Gaye) - The Moonglows (Marvin Gaye) - Tammy Montgomery (Tammi Terrell) - The Rainbows (Marvin Gaye) - Tammi Terrell (solo efforts)
Genre: soul Rating: 4 stars **** Title: United Company: Tamla Catalog: T 277 Year: 1967 Country/State: Washington, D.C. Grade (cover/record): VG /VG Comments: -- Available: 1 Catalog ID: 5408 Price: $40.00
Of the numerous
'duet' albums Marvin Gaye recorded (including two other sets with Tammi
Terrell), 1967's "United"
was probably the most consistent and enjoyable of the group. Terrell
was clea - 1967's 'Ain't No Mountain High Enough' b/w 'Give a Little Love' (Tamla catalog number T-54149) - 1967's 'Your Precious Love' b/w 'Hold On My Darling' (Tamla catalog number T-54156) - 1967's 'If I Could Build My World Around You' b/w 'If This World Were Mine' (Tamla catalog number T-54161)
Almost as good were the 'Two Can Have a Party' (which was originally recorded as a Terrell solo side with Gaye subsequently adding his vocals), 'Little Ole Boy, Little Ole Girl' and 'Give Me a Little Love'. Yeah it doesn't hit new heights in terms of creativity, but so what. The pair's flirty relationship repeatedly came through making the album a pleasure to hear. A largely forgotten Motown classic ...
"United" track listing: 1.) Ain't No Mountain High Enough (Nicholas Ashford - Valerie Simpson) - 2:26 2.) You Got What It Takes (Berry Gordy Jr. - G. Gordy - T. Carlo) - 2:45 3.) If I Could Build My World Around You (Johnny Bristol - V. Bullock - Harvey Fuqua) - 2:19 4.) Somethin' Stupid (C. Carson Parks) - 2:40 5.) Your Precious Love (Nicholas Ashford - Valerie Simpson) - 2:59 6.) Hold Me Oh My Darling (Harvey Fuqua) - 2:45
2) 2.) Little Ole Boy, Little Ole Girl (Harvey Fuqua - E. James - B. Benton) - 2:40 3.) If This World Were Mine (Marvin Gaye) - 2:45 4.) Sad Wedding (Johnny Bristol - R. Beavers) - 3:09 5.) Give Me a Little Love (Johnny Bristol - Harvey Fuqua - C. Wilson) - 2:50 6.) Oh How I'd Miss You (Hal Davis - Frank Wilson - V. Wilson) - 2:30
Genre: soul Rating: 5 stars ***** Title: You're All I Need Company: Tamla Catalog: TS 284 Year: 1968 Country/State: Washington, D.C. Grade (cover/record): VG+/VG+ Comments: stereo pressing Available: 1 Catalog ID: 5443 Price: $25.00
Even as Tammi Terrell was dying from a brain tumor, give it to Motown management to recognize a good marketing opportunity; hence the decision to release of a second collaboration between Marvin Gaye and Tammi Terrell. Of course there were good reasons to finance a second album. As good and successful as they two were as solo acts, there was simply no questioning the heat the two generated when working together. Terrell's sexy growl was perfectly suited for Gaye's pleading voice - the results made for what was easily one of the best duos in popular music. The main problem was with Terrell unable to record new material (she would undergo eight surgeries prior to her March, 1970 death), where did one turn for new material? The answer was to visit the recording vaults for previously unreleased material. Exemplified by material like 'Baby Dont'cha Worry', 'When Love Comes Knocking at My Heart' and 'Memory Chest', six of the selections reflected tunes Harvey Fuqua and Johnny Bristol has previously recorded as Terrell solo sides. Gaye's vocals were subsequently added to the original mixes. Opportunistic? Certainly. Tasteful? Perhaps jot. Good marketing? Certainly.
material recorded during 1966 and 1967, 1968's "You're
All I Need" featured twelve tracks produced by three
separate production teams. Nickolas Ashford and Valerie Simpson wrote
and produced three tracks. Harvey Fuqua and Johnny Bristol handled
seven tunes. The two teams collaborated on 'You Ain't Livin' 'Til You're
Lovin'' with Berry Gordy's brother Robert producing 'I Can't Help But Love
You.' In spite of the
fracture history, the album didn't sound like
it was pieced together. In fact, it's always struck me as being even
better than the pair's first
All I Need" track listing:
1.) Ain't Nothing Like the Real Thing (Nicholas Ashford - Valerie Simpson) - 2:12 rating: ***** stars There isn't much more to say other than 'Ain't Nothing Like the Real Thing' stands as a true Motown classic. It's simply one of the best things Nicholas Ashford and Valerie Simpson ever wrote (and apparently the tune that convinced Berry Gordy Jr. to sign them as Motown songwriters). It's a song I've heard hundreds of times and to this day hearing Terrell and Gaye's performance gives me goose bumps. - 1968's 'Ain't Nothing Like the Real Thing' b/w 'Little Ole Boy, Little Ole Girl' (Tamla catalog number T-54163) # 8 US Billboard pop charts 2.) Keep On Lovin' Me Honey (Nicholas Ashford - Valerie Simpson) - 2:38 # 24 Billboard pop, # 11 Billboard R&B singles Built on an awesome performance from the Funk Brothers and a killer refrain, 'Keep On Lovin' Me Honey' is a personnel favorite. Yes it was a big hit for them, but for some reason it's fallen out of favor on oldies stations which means it hasn't been subject to the same saturation exposure some of their other duets get. The track was released as the album's third single: - 1968's 'Keep On Lovin' Me Honey' b/w 'You Ain't Livin' Till You're Lovin'' (Tamla catalog number T-54173) 3.) You're All I Need To Get By (Nicholas Ashford - Valerie Simpson) - 2:47 rating: ***** stars Motown history gets cloudy with respect to Terrell's recording efforts after her initial brain tumor surgery. Some references indicate she was so sick she was unable to record new material. Other references indicate she did recover enough to record a handful of new songs including the stunning ballad 'You're All I Need To Get By'. Regardless of the circumstances, built on what was almost a Gospel fervor, this is one of the pair's standout performances and another of Motown's creative highpoints. You have to wonder how many marriages this song was played at ... Odd little factoid - Blaming Motown for Terrell's death, Gaye was the only Motown employee the Terrell family allowed to attend her funeral. A tearful Gaye gave a brief eulogy and this was one of the songs that was played during the ceremony.
- 1968's 'You're All I Need To Get By' b/w 'Two Can Have a Party' (Tamla catalog number T-54169) # 7 Billboard pop charts; # 1 Billboard R&B charts 4.) Baby Dont'cha Worry (Jackie Beavers - Johnny Bristol) - 2:50 rating: **** stars Terrell had previously released a solo cover of 'Baby Dont'cha Worry' (it was the "B" side on her 1966 'Come On And See Me' single). As good as it was, the addition of Gaye's vocals made all the difference in the world. Kicked along by an awesome James Jameson bass line the collaboration sounded like if was the original track with Gaye's voice simply added on top, but that didn't matter. Terrell seldom sound as sexy. Gaye seldom sounded as desperate. The give and take vocals were to-die-for good and the hyperactive backing vocals were hysterical. Once the refrain got in your head it just would not leave you alone. 5.) You Ain't Livin' Till You're Lovin' (Nicholas Ashford - Valerie Simpson) - 2:45 rating: **** stars The sweet 'You Ain't Livin' Till You're Lovin'' was one of the album's hidden gems. Terrell took the first verse, Gaye the second and when the two blended their voices ... magical. Even better than the Smokey Robinson and the Miracles version. The song also appeared as the "B" side on their ''Keep On Lovin'' 45. 6.) Give In, You Just Can't Win (Harvey Fuqua - Johnny Bristol) - 2:45 rating: *** stars With kind of a bluesy vibe and some weird time signatures, 'Give In, You Just Can't Win' was the album's oddest performance. Terrell dominated this one, but it never reached the same commercial level as the other eleven numbers. I will admit that until I heard this track I was surprised how much power Terrell had in her voice.
2) 2.) Come On and See Me (Harvey Fuqua - Johnny Bristol) - 2:36 rating: **** stars Another track that could have been a massive hit. Gaye takes the first versus, Terrell the second ... My goodness they generates some true chemistry with everything they touched. And it sounds so innocent in this day and age. 3.) I Can't Help But Love You (Berry Gordy - Thomas Kemp - Marvin Gaye) - 2:45 rating: **** stars Co-written by Gaye, the bouncy I Can't Help But Love You' was a prime example of their playful give and take interaction. 4.) That's How It Is (Since You've Been Gone) (Harvey Fuqua - Johnny Bristol - Vernon Bullock) - 2:58 rating: **** stars The harpsichord tinged 'That's How It Is (Since You've Been Gone)' was another track Terrell had previously recorded as a solo side. Having Gaye handle the opening versus was another example of how the two could improve virtually everything they touched 5.) I'll Never Stop Loving You Baby (Harvey Fuqua - Johnny Bristol) - Beatrice Verdi - Mary Balnius) - 2:59 rating: **** stars 'I'll Never Stop Loving You Baby' added a sense of urgency to their patented sound. Always wondered who provided the deep backing vocals. 6.) Memory Chest (Harvey Fuqua - Johnny Bristol) - 2:52 rating: **** stars Another one where Motown apparently took the original master and just added Gaye's vocals to the mix. Perhaps 'Memory Chest' was a bit too cute for its own good. Luckily the melody was sweet and innocent and in spite of the heavy orchestration, their vocals shined throughout. This was another tune Terrell had recorded as a solo act. Her version is good, but adding Gaye made it so much better ...
© Scott R. Blackerby November, 2024
Genre: soul Rating: 3 stars *** Title: Easy Company: Tamla Catalog: TS 294 Year: 1969 Country/State: Washington, D.C. Grade (cover/record): VG+/VG+ Comments: flap sleeve; minor edge and ring wear Available: 1 Catalog ID: 5431 Price: $20.00
Given the success of the two previous Marvin Gaye - Tammi Terrell LPs, it wasn't a major surprise that Motown elected to release a third collaboration between the two. Unfortunately, by the time 1969's "Easy" was recorded, Terrell was in the final stages of what would prove to be a fatal fight against a brain tumor. With the team of Nicholas Ashford and Valerie Simpson producing most of the album (the pair also wrote most of the 12 tracks), considerable debate surrounded Terrell's role in the recording sessions. At various times Gaye was quoted as saying that Simpson handled most of the vocals, though Simpson has steadfastly denied substituting for Terrell. I've listened to the album dozens of times over the years and most of the female vocals sure sound like Terrell. On the other hand, Simpson was blessed with a versatile voice and it wasn't impossible to imagine her trying to mimic Terrell's sexy delivery - 'What You Gave Me' could have been Ashford. Critics haven't been particularly kind to the album making me a minority when I say I like the collection. While the album may not have been as strong as the debut, there were plenty of winners. The lead off track 'Good Lovin' Ain't Easy to Come By' was as good as any of the other Gaye-Terrell hits, while 'This Poor Heart of Mine', 'I'm Your Puppet' and 'What You Gave Me' were all fun. Sure, 'California Soul' was a blatant attempt to capture the Mamas and Papas audience, 'I Can't Believe You Love Me' was a bland, overproduced mid-temp effort, and 'Onion Song' was a hideous 'uplifting' slice of social commentary. Elsewhere, apparently running short on new material 'How You Gonna Keep It (After You Get It)' and 'More, More, More' were originally Terrell solo efforts that had Gaye's vocals overdubbed after the fact. Like I said, I still enjoy the album !!!
A series of three singles were pulled from the LP:
- 1969's 'Good Lovin' Ain't Easy to Come By' b/w 'Satisfied Feeling' (Tamla catalog number T-54179) - 1969's 'What You Gave Me' b/w 'How You Gonna Keep It (After You Get It)' (Tamla catalog number T-54187) - 1969's 'Onion Song' b/w 'California Soul' (Tamla catalog number T-54192)
A modest commercial success, the LP only managed to hit # 184 on the pop charts.
"Easy" track listing:
1.) Good Lovin' Ain't Easy to Come By (Nicholas Ashford - Valerie Simpson) - 2:52 2.) California Soul (Nicholas Ashford - Valerie Simpson) - 2:46 3.) Love Woke Me Up This Morning (Nicholas Ashford - Valerie Simpson) - 2:29 4.) This Poor Heart of Mine (Nicholas Ashford - Valerie Simpson) - 2:39 5.) I'm Your Puppet (Spooner Oldham - Dan Penn) - 2:56 6.) The Onion Song (Nicholas Ashford - Valerie Simpson) - 2:55
2) 2.) Baby I Need Your Loving (Brian Holland - Lamont Dozier - Eddie Holland) - 2:59 3.) I Can't Believe You Love Me (Harvey Fuqua - Johnny Bristol) - 2:42 4.) How You Gonna Keep It (After You Get It) (Nicholas Ashford - Valerie Simpson) - 2:49 5.) More, More, More (Harvey Fuqua - Johnny Bristol - Clyde Wilson) - 2:29 6.) Satisfied Feelin' (Nicholas Ashford - Valerie Simpson) - 2:50
Sadly this was the final Gaye-Terrell outing. Having been diagnosed with a brain tumor, Terrell when through a series of eight operations before dying in 1970 at the age of 24.