Hard Luck
Band members Related acts
- Richard Canada -- - Sherry Gaden --
- Dirty Licks
Genre: pop Rating: 3 stars *** Title: Witch Doctor Company: IRA Catalog: AW
#14082 Country/State: US Grade (cover/record): VG+/VG+ Comments: -- Available: 1 Catalog ID: 1815 Price: $50.00
Besides sporting one of the ugliest covers in rock history, "Witch Doctor" was odd, even by tax scam release standards.
There were no production, or performance
credits, but the majority of songs w
Musically the collection was all over the spectrum including professional, but totally anonymous stabs at pop ('The Teacher'), reggae ('Soap and Water') and conventional rock tunes ('Look Before You Leap'). In line with my early comments, the interesting thing is that most of these tunes sounded like they'd been written for some sort of children's program. The first eight tunes seemed to focus on a series of simplistic concepts - bullying 'The Bully', personal hygiene 'Soap and Water' and getting along with you teacher 'The Teacher'. Making the whole thing even more curious, the last two songs carried different songwriting credits and didn't sound anything like the rest of the album. They literally sounded like they been tacked on to the end of the album in order to ensure an acceptable running time. Not that anyone was paying attention.
Doctor" track listing: 1.) The Bully (Sherry Gaden - Richard Canada) - rating: *** stars Funny, the anonymous singer's voice has always sounded familiar, though I've never been able to place the slightly lispy delivery. Nice pop tune with a straightforward "don't bully" lyric. 2.) Look Before You Leap (Sherry Gaden - Richard Canada) - rating: *** stars Another mid-tempo rocker, 'Look Before You Leap' could have been a decent conventional pop song without too much effort. 3.) Soap and Water (Sherry Gaden - Richard Canada) - rating: ** stars Reggae-flavored lesson on personal hygiene ... I'm not making this up. 4.) The Show Must Go On (Sherry Gaden - Richard Canada) - rating: ** stars Pretty, waltz-ish ballad. Never been able to focus long enough to figure out what this one was about. 5.) The Teacher (Sherry Gaden - Richard Canada) - rating: *** stars Not sure this bouncy little ditty would have changed the way I looked at, or interacted with any of my teachers, but I'm sure many teachers appreciated the pat on the back. Wonder how come he song didn;t acknowledge male teachers .....
2) Breezy, Caribbean lilt praising the ability to hear ... 2.) Believe It Or Not (Sherry Gaden - Richard Canada) - rating: *** stars Kind of a cute anti-smoking tract. 3.) T.V. (Gaden - Canada) - rating: ** stars Another reggae flavored tune preaching the evils of too much television. Wow, this one was a bit heavy handed. 4.) Peaceful Children (Emerson - Peters) - rating: *** stars At least to my ears 'Peaceful Children' sounded nothing like the previous eight songs. Not only did it sport different singers (including a female lead), but it had different writing credits. Musically it came off as a conventional pop-rock tune without any of the kid-friendly lyrics that characterized the rest of the album. 5. Toronto (Nolan) - rating: *** stars Clearly unrelated to the first eight tracks, 'Toronto' was a decent power ballad that actually has some commercial potential.