Lupe's Latin Cats
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Genre: rock Rating: 3 stars *** Title: I Put a Spell On You Company: Mark Catalog:
AW 14078 Country/State: US Grade (cover/record): VG+/VG+ Comments: -- Available: 1 Catalog ID: 3053 Price: $80.00 |
Ah, a classic tax scam album ... Credited to Lupe's Latin Cats, 1977's "I Put a Spell On You" is one of those LPs that give you clear insight into the way the tax scam process worked. With a Richard Pulin credited as producing and all ten tracks penned by "M. Schechter". To my ears these ten selections sounded like studio leftovers that had been swept up and stitched together for the sole purpose of cobbling together an "album" to give some high income dentist, doctor, or lawyer a dubious tax writer off on the supposed recording and marketing costs.
The fact that none of these songs sounded like they'd been recorded by the same outfit, let alone the fact the track listing seemingly bore no relationship to the content was enough to make you sit back and laugh at the results. The amateurish splicing underscored the collection's low-tech sound. As far as tax scam albums go, it certainly wasn't horrible and a couple of the tunes were actually worth hearing - the odd folk-rock-meets-raga instrumental 'Boss Man' and the '60s rock instrumental 'Give Me Another Chance'.
"I Put a
Spell On You" track listing: 1.) Mr. Love (instrumental) (M. Schechter) - 2:19 rating: *** stars 'With screechy female chorus vocals, Mr. Love' was an anonymous, slightly funky instrumental that sounded like if could have come off of either a Silver Convention disco album, or a porn flick soundtrack. 2.) I Put a Spell On You (instrumental) (M. Schechter) - 2:10 rating: *** stars This wasn't the Screaming Jay Hawkins song, rather was a competent, it forgettable bluesy instrumental, Nice lead guitar. 3.) Black Strap Molasses (instrumental) (M. Schechter) - 2:19 rating: *** stars Complete with extended sax and surf guitar solos, 'Black Strap Molasses' sounded like an early-'60s dance track - something between 'The Twist' and 'Green Onions'. 4.) Mini Skirts (M. Schechter) - 1:31 rating: ** stars Imagine a 50 year father trying to sound cool and pull young ladies ... Yeah, that's what this one sounded like. Very mid-'60s sound and lyric. 5.) Boss Man (instrumental) (M. Schechter) - 2:46 rating: **** stars Sporting a strange folk-rock-meets-raga sound, the instrumental 'Boss Man' may have been side one's most interesting track.
(side 2) 1.) Evil Ways (instrumental) (M. Schechter) - 2:34 rating: ** stars Dull, forgettable '50s-styled surf instrumental ... 2.) Song for My Father (instrumental) (M. Schechter) - 2:28 rating: ** stars Another '50s tune, though this time out there was kind of a rockabilly flavor to the results. 3.) Wa Wa (instrumental) (M. Schechter) - 2:52 rating: ** stars Weird, synthesizer-powered ballad that could have been lifted off a Hallmark movie of the week soundtrack. 4.) Old Soldiers (M. Schechter) - 2:12 rating: * star '40s-styed pop tune ... easy to imagine this being played at your local old age home. Horrible thing to have to listen to. If you were subjected to this song, you'd want to march away as well. 5.) Give Me Another Chance (instrumental) (M. Schechter) - 2:48 rating: **** stars And on the heels of the album's worst performance came the best - namely a '60s-styled rocker with a moody, keyboard and bass powered melody. Shame it faded out so early.