Folks know this label for released by The Happenings and The Tokens and that's about it.  Part of the problem 

is that the rest of the B.T. Puppy catalog is extremely rare and if even if you could find most of the releases 

shown below, you're going to pay and arm and a leg for them.  There's even debate as to whether numerous 

entries on the B.T. Puppy discography actually exist.  Yes, LPs like The Purple Haze Band and Bill Wyman's 

Free Country show up on various lists, but as far as I can tell, nobody has ever produced a copy.


Just to reiterate, the values reflected below are just guesstimates on my part - guesses as to what a copy in 

decent shape might fetch on the open market.  These don't reflect albums that I have for sale.


I'm a little reluctant to include the B.T. Puppy label (the initials stood for The Token's publishing company - 

Bright Tunes) since there were some significant differences from the operating norms of the other tax scam 

labels listed here. For one thing, the company was active nearly a decade before these other outfits. B.T. 

Puppy also differed from the other labels in that it started out as a legitimate enterprise enjoying several 

major sellers with LP and 45s by The happenings, The Tokens, and some other artists. While it's hard to

 identify a specific date when the label moved from legitimacy to tax scam front, B.T. Puppy releases start 

to become eclectic and highly scarce with the release of 1969's "Life Is Groovy" by the United States Double 



  Recent changes:


  2010 additions:

- 27 August 2010 added image of United States Double Quintet "Life Is Groovy" LP

- 25 August 2010 updated estimated values for several of the listings


  2011 additions:

- 25 January 2011 changed size of LP jpg images from 100 x 100 to 144 x 144

- February 21 2011 added image and review of Lou Gossett "From Me To You" LP


  2012 additions:

- September 30, 2012 added image of "Mixed Soul" LP

- November 18, 2012 added image of The Sundae Train LP


  2013 additions:

- March 03, 2013 added image of Purple Haze Band LP


  2014 additions:

- July 20, 2014 added photo and entry for Penny Sisters "Wishing you Were Here"


  2015 additions:

- March 20, 2015 added review of The Canaries "Flying High with The Canaries"


  2016 additions:

- April 10, 2016 added picture for The Trade Winds "Around the World"

- April 10, 2016 changed size of jpg images on site




LP cover Artist   LP Title Label Catalog Year Grading


To see a brief album description and track listing, be sure to click on the 'Artist'  name.

United States Double Quintet (aka Tokens and The Kirby Stone Four) Life I s Groovy B.T. Puppy BTPS-1006 1969 pop est. $75 -$100

Tokens, The Tokens of Gold B.T. Puppy BTPS-1006 1969 pop est. $60 - $80

The Canaries  Flying High with The Canaries B.T. Puppy BTPS 1007 1970 VG+ cover / VG+ LP


Trade Winds, The Around the World B.T. Puppy BTPS-1008 1970 pop est. $50

Town Criers, The Shore To Shore B.T. Puppy BTPS-1009 1970 pop est. $300 - $400

Satins 4 and Cinnamon Angels, The Mixed Soul B.T. Puppy BTPS-1010 1970 soul est. $300 - $400

Chiffons, The My Secret Life B.T. Puppy BTPS-1011 1970 soul est. $180 - $200

Tokens, The The Greatest Moments of the Tokens B.T. Puppy BTPS-1012 1970 pop est. $100 - $120

Gossett, Lou From Me To You B.T. Puppy BTPS-1013 1971 pop for sale $150.00

Tokens, The December 5th B.T. Puppy BTPS-1014 1971 pop est. $300 - $400

Brute Force Extemporaeneous B.T. Puppy BTPS-1015 1971 pop est. $100 - $120

Purple Haze Band Frank Paris ... P.H.B. B.T. Puppy BTPS-1017 1971 rock est. $400 - $500

Andrea Carroll / Beverly Warren A Side / B Side B.T. Puppy BTPS-1017 1971 pop est. $80 - $100

Canterbury Music Festival Rain & Shine B.T. Puppy BTPS-1018 1969 pop

SOLD $350.00

Del Satins, The Out To Lunch B.T. Puppy BTPS-1019 1972 soul est.. $200 - $250

unknown unknown B.T. Puppy BTPS-1020 1972 unknown  

unknown unknown B.T. Puppy BTPS-1021 1972 unknown  

Sundae Train, The Sundae Train B.T. Puppy BTPS-1022 1972  pop est.. $500 - $600

Penny Sisters Wishing You Well B.T. Puppy BTPS-1023 1972 unknown est.. $300 - $400

Amrod's Brand Live On the Playground B.T. Puppy BTPS-1024 1972 unknown est. $200 - $300

Wyman, Bill Bill Wyman's Free Country B.T. Puppy BTPS-1025 1972  blues est. $600 - $700

Bow Street Runners, The Bow Street Runners B.T. Puppy BTPS-1026 1972  psych est. $750 - $800

Tokens, The Intercourse B.T. Puppy BTPS-1027 1972  pop est. $600 - $700

Tokens, The The Very Best of the Tokens B.T. Puppy BTPS-1028 1972  pop est. $200 - $300

various artists New Voices of 1972 B.T. Puppy BTPS-1029 1972  pop est. $200 - $300